Vice President Pence’s Chief of Staff Corona Infected – VG


CLOSE COLLABORATION: Mike Pence and Chief of Staff Marc Short. Photo: MIKE FRESH / REUTERS

Several key figures around the US vice president are said to have tested positive for covid-19. Mike Pence himself shouldn’t be infected.

– Today, Marc Short, the vice president’s chief of staff, tested positive for covid-19. It has begun its quarantine and the process of monitoring the infection is underway, says press secretary Devin O’Malley in a press release according to CNN.

Pence, in consultation with the White House medical staff, has decided that he will continue as planned in accordance with the authorities’ guidelines for indispensable personnel, even though he is considered to have been in close contact with Short.

– Vice President Pence and his wife Karen Pence tested negative for COVID-19 today and are healthy, it is further stated in the press release.

Earlier Saturday, one of Pence’s closest political advisers, Marty Obst, also tested positive for COVID-19, Bloomberg and CNN report.

In the past, Pence’s spokeswoman, Katie Miller, has also tested positive.

INFECTED: Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence. Photo: Patrick Semansky / AP

The contagion surrounding the vice president occurs just over a week before the US presidential election, and at the same time the country is seriously in its second wave of corona contagion.

On Friday a new contagion record was recorded in the country with more than 83,000 new cases of contagion.

On Saturday, the record turned even bleaker, with 88,973 new corona cases, according to Johns Hopkins University, NTB writes.

On October 2, President Donald Trump announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19, as several people close to Trump confirmed the infection, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and his wife Melania Trump. President Trump has been released in recent weeks.

The ceremony in which Trump nominated Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court has been described as a massive infection event, in which at least 16 people have confirmed the infection.

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