Vice President Mike Pence: – Warns Pence:


After three days as a crown patient at Walter Reed Military Hospital in Washington DC, United States President Donald Trump emerged from the hospital’s presidential suite on Monday and proudly proclaimed that he had not felt better in 20 years. .

At the same time, he urged his followers not to worry about the coronavirus, which has claimed more than 215,000 American lives and infected millions of people.

Health experts around the world moved almost in unison, warning of Trump’s trivialization of the ongoing pandemic. They also made a haunting reminder to the president and to the world at large:

Trump is still at an early stage in the course of his illness and the worst may still remain.

Statement from Doctor Trump: - Sad

Statement from Doctor Trump: – Sad

This is fear

That’s why several Republicans moved in this week and directly asked Pence to stay home.

The nightmare scenario they describe is as follows:

If Trump becomes so ill that he can no longer serve as president, Pence will have to be ready to take office, but if the vice president is also out of action, the president of the United States, Nancy Pelosi, will be appointed suddenly.

Pelosi is the highest-ranking Democrat in the United States, is the president and majority leader in the House of Representatives, one of the two houses of Congress, and has particularly distinguished himself as one of Trump’s staunchest opponents in the last four years.

As Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pelosi is number three in America’s “order of succession.”

THE “REAL” SCHOOL: President Donald Trump says he went to the royal school and found out about the coronavirus. Video: @realdonaldtrump
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– Stay at home

– You can no longer say: “There is no possibility of it being infected,” because that is what we told each other about the president, and it happened anyway, an anonymous source in the White House tells Politico.

In the same article, Trump ally Scott Jennings, a former George W. Bush adviser, gives a clear message about what he thinks Pence should do now:

Stay at home.

“Mike Pence’s health and safety are paramount,” he says.

But the vice president is also being asked to do the exact opposite: go out and meet with the voters.

With less than a month to go until the November 3 presidential election, and with the campaign galleon figure Trump cut off from the crown, the Trump campaign believes it is even more important that Pence is visible and no less active in the latest investigation of the electoral campaign, says several names and no-sources named Politico.

HOSPITAL: The White House released these photos when Donald Trump was hospitalized with a crown, but that’s not entirely true. Reporter: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV
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– a spare wheel

Norwegian researcher and American expert Hilmar Mjelde has no doubts about what he thinks Pence should do these days:

– A vice president of the United States is a spare tire. It exists for situations like this. Pence should be on hold in DC these days, Mjelde tells Dagbladet.

It also doesn’t buy the explanation for Republicans and Trump advisers who want to send Pence to the field for the sake of the election campaign.

– Trump’s campaign is Trump himself. You have no one who can speak effectively for you. That’s the opposite of being a totally and completely individual-centered personalistic political movement, says Mjelde.
