– Very different to spend money than in a park next to the forest


A new walking path, new trees and lamp posts will make Sognsvann more enjoyable. The project is opposed by conservatives in Oslo and Oslo Frp.

This week, construction began on a new park along the footbridge to Sognsvann, between the metro station and the kiosk. The goal is to make the arrival in Sognsvann safer and greener. Olav Olsen

Sognsvann will have a greener and safer arrival. The parking lot along the walkway, in front of the Sports Academy, will be removed and replaced by a park.

Among other things, the park will have a new walking route. New trees and other vegetation will be planted. There will also be benches, several light masts and a charging station for electric cars. The total price of the project is NOK 6.21 million.

– Today there are many users in the area, including many children. There is a lot of traffic on the existing road due to the delivery of goods to the kiosk, the Urban Environment Agency office, timber transport and a home, says Lise Jørstad of the Urban Environment Agency.

Around 120 parking spaces will be eliminated in favor of the new park. According to the Urban Environment Agency, all parking spaces must be compensated by cleaning the rest of the parking lot. Olav Olsen

About. 120 parking spaces disappear. The work will be completed before the summer of 2021.

Not everyone is equally excited. Camilla Wilhelmsen in Oslo Frp reacts to the plans.

– It may not be necessary to make a park at the entrance to Nordmarka. There is a lot of forest and outdoor life here. On the contrary, there is a great need for the parking spaces that are here today, he says.

also read

Construction of a hiking trail to Sognsvann throughout the year

– a very bad idea

Sognsvann is one of Oslo’s most popular excursion routes for trips in Nordmarka. From here there are paths and light trails inland to popular country cabins such as Ullevålseter, Skjennungstua, Kobberhaugshytta, Kikut and Frogtamosteren.

In the last year, a new illuminated hiking trail was also built around Sognsvann. It is popular with runners, hikers, and families with children.

The Sognsvann car park currently has approx. 670 seats. This number will be maintained even though 120 places are now running out, says Jørstad at the Urban Environment Agency. The large parking lot on the east side will be better used. Therefore, there will be room for as many cars as before.

Wilhelmsen in Oslo Frp is still not convinced. She believes that cleaning the parking lot can be done independently of removing spaces to establish a park.

– On nice days, the parking lot is full. Removing places will lead to more pressure in other parts of the area, Wilhelmsen says. She describes the project as “a very bad idea”.

– Credits are required to start the work. The municipality of Oslo has much more to spend money on than a park by the forest.

Construction began this week and will be completed before Christmas. Trees and greenery will be planted in the spring. The park will be ready before the summer of 2021. Olav Olsen

Reject “park facilities”

The title of the construction case in the database of the Planning and Construction Agency is “Preparation of park facilities – Sognsvann”. However, both the Urban Environment Agency and Councilor Lan Marie Berg (ODM) reject that it is just that: a park. They prefer to call it “a green access”.

– What the city council is doing now is ensuring a safer and greener access and gateway to Marka by Sognsvann. We are not building a new park, Berg writes in an email.

Lan Marie Berg is councilor for the environment and transport. Here it is during the inauguration of the first new tram lines in Oslo on October 5. Karen gjetrang

Families with children, kindergarten children, school classes, youth and other active area users will now no longer have to be afraid of backing up and a crowded parking space, Berg believes.

She emphasizes that separate places for the disabled will be created, which have not been marked before. This will ensure better accessibility for more people.

Øystein Sundelin (H) is the leader of the urban development committee in the city council. Oslo City Hall

The left is positive

Øystein Sundelin (H), leader of the urban development committee at the city council, is also skeptical of the park plans.

– I agree that the entrance to Sognsvann might need a lift. But I’m not sure if a park next to Marka is a good priority. There are many urban spaces in Oslo that need this more, he says.

Marit Vea in Oslo Venstre is more positive. She emphasizes that she does not know the details of the project. In any case, it is positive that parking spaces are being cleaned up and that the area is becoming more attractive, Vea believes.

Marit Vea is the representative of the Oslo Venstre city council and representative on the transport and environment committee. Oslo Venstre

– We are positive with the measures that replace asphalt with green areas. It’s also good if the move makes it easier and more enjoyable for people to go out in Marka. There is a lot of chaos in this parking lot on good weather days, he says.

See understands that someone can react if they spend money planting trees at the entrance to Marka. Still, she doesn’t think it’s a stupid idea to make one of the most popular hiking areas in the city more attractive to most people.
