US presidential election: – Kamala Harris paid tribute to her dead mother


Kamala Harris will historically be the first woman, the first African-American and the first of Indian descent to become Vice President of the United States.

When Kamala Harris, 56, delivered a speech on Sunday night Norwegian time, she took the opportunity to pay tribute to her Indian mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris, who died of cancer in 2009.

“She deeply believed in an America where moments like this are possible,” said Kamala Harris.

CLOSE RELATIONSHIP: Kamala Harris used her first speech as Joe Biden’s newly elected Vice President to pay tribute to her dead mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris. This photo was taken in 2007. Photo: Kamala Harris / AP / NTB Campaign.
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– When he came here from India, 19 years old, he may not have imagined this moment. But she believed deeply in an America where a moment like this is possible. Then I think of her and the generations of women. Black women. Asian. White. Latin American. Indigenous villages. Women who throughout our nation’s history have paved the way for this moment tonight. Women who fought and sacrificed so much for equality, freedom and justice for all. Including black women who are too often overlooked but often shown to be the backbone of our democracy, said Kamala Harris.

Close relationship with the mother

On several occasions in the presidential elections, he has spoken of his close relationship with his mother.

WITH MOTHER: This 1970 image shows Kamala Harris with her sister Maya and her mother Shyamala. The photo was taken outside the condo in Berkeley, California. Photo: Kamala Harris / AP / NTB Scanpix campaign.
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– My mother raised me and my sister, and she was a tough woman. My mother was only 1.5 meters tall, but if you had ever met her, you would have thought she was 10 feet tall, Kamala Harris said according to CNN.

Thanks Joe Biden

For more than 200 years, America’s political elite has been made up primarily of white men. Harris said this is a test of Joe Biden’s character. He thanked Biden for being brave enough to elect a woman to run for vice president.

“I’m the first woman in the White House, but I’m not going to be the last,” Harris said.

CHAMPIONS: Shyamala Gopalan fought for civil rights in the United States when she attended the University of Berkeley in California. Here she is with her friend Lenore Pomerance. Photo: Kamala Harris / AP / NTB Scanpix campaign.
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Kamala Harris was closely related to her mother. Gopalan came to the United States to study at the University of California. Funded with her parents’ pension money, she left Chennai, India, and studied biomedicine in California. She remained in the United States after graduation and later married Donald J. Harris, an economics professor at Stanford University who had immigrated as a student from Jamaica.

Advisor to Hillary Clinton

The marriage lasted eight years and together they had two daughters: Kamala and Maya. Attorney Maya Harris (53) worked as an advisor to Hillary Clinton when she ran for president in 2016, and this year was her older sister Kamala’s campaign manager.

The parents divorced when Kamala was only seven years old. When she was 12, she and Maya moved to Montreal, Canada with her mother, where she started a French school.

Legal career

In 1981, Kamala Harris returned to the United States, where she graduated eight years later as an attorney from Howard University in Washington DC and the University of California. He made a quick career, first as a prosecutor in Alameda County before becoming a prosecutor and district attorney in San Francisco.

She was the first black woman to be elected California Attorney General in 2010, a position she held until 2017, when she became a Senator for the Democrats. He vowed to protect black voters from then-newly elected President Donald Trump.

NEW PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: America has spoken, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. He had this to say on the podium after the victory.
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Harris has repeatedly emphasized that he wants to work in the interests of black voters in the United States. In the election campaign, he has emphasized, among other things, that he wants to show that Democrats understand that black voters have been disproportionately affected by the crown pandemic, as well as by many years of economic and social inequality.

The presidential candidate

In January last year, Harris announced that she would be running for president and was cheered by 20,000 people on a campaign trip to her hometown of Oakland. However, it soon became clear that she did not have the necessary support to become the Democratic presidential candidate, so she withdrew from the campaign in less than a year.

Instead, Biden chose her as a vice president candidate, and she succeeded from the start. Not least with your ability to provide financial support. In the first 48 hours after Biden announced he had chosen Harris, he received $ 48 million in donations for the campaign, according to Reuters.

GRATEFUL: Senator Kamala Harris of California spoke last night at the Democratic national convention and thanked Democrats for being formally nominated as the party’s vice president candidate.
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During the campaign, Harris has told a lot about herself, about her past as an immigrant daughter, about her love of cooking and her role as a stepmother.


Kamala Harris married Douglas Emhoff, who has two children in their 20s from a previous marriage in 2015. Since her marriage to Emhoff, Harris has become “Mammala” to her son Cole and daughter Ella, because all three agree that they did not like the term “stepmother,” according to ELLE.

When Harris introduced Joe Biden in his speech Sunday night, he described him as a leader that children could look up to.


When Kamala Harris opens the doors of the White House as the first female vice president in January of next year, she herself will be an inspiration to women and girls around the world. Then you may want to remember your mother’s words.

– Kamala, you can be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last, said mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris before dying.
