UN, Norway | Norway falls on the UN list of the best countries in the world


Norway can no longer call itself the best country in the world.

Norway has topped the UN human development list almost every year since the report was first published in 1990. But not anymore, NRK reports.

The reason is that two new parameters have been included, greenhouse gas emissions and resource use. This means, surprisingly, that Norway moves from 1st to 16th place on the list. Previously, the countries of the world were measured only by the parameters health, standard of living, level of education and gross domestic product divided by the number of inhabitants.

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With a value of 37.9 tons per inhabitant, Norway has the sixth highest material footprint value among 169 countries. In terms of CO emissions, Norway has 8.3 tonnes per capita, which is among the 30 largest values ​​in total.

– Norway loses its first position due to our large footprint on the planet. This is an important debate, it is time for us to bring, says Bård Vegar Solhjell, Director of the Directorate for Development Cooperation, Norad, to NRK.

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