Two stabbed after massive fights in Sandefjord – VG


MORE INJURED: Two people are said to have been stabbed and two other people were injured after several youths fought in Sandefjord. Photo: Fredrik Rimork Wiig

Four people are injured after several young men barked together in a fight at McDonalds in Sandefjord.

Two people have been stabbed and two have face wounds after a fight in Sandefjord.

– There must be two people who have been stabbed. One is stabbed in the back and is slightly injured. The other person’s condition is currently unclear, Southeast Police District Operations Manager Erik Gunnerød tells VG.

At 9:07 p.m., the police report that this person is now described as seriously injured. They also claim to have apprehended the alleged perpetrator.

– We have an idea who the perpetrator is, based on what witnesses have said at the scene. Now we are trying to locate him, says the operations manager.

I don’t know the cause

It will talk about about 20 young people in their teens who met at McDonalds.

– There were many young people gathered and the situation was confusing. We still don’t know how many people participated in the fighting, says Gunnerød.

Police cannot say anything about what caused the fight.

EMERGENCY: Several policemen and ambulances are at the scene. Photo: Fredrik Rimork Wiig

Police in the southeast received the message that several young men were in a fight shortly before 8:00 p.m. on Saturday night.

The VG photographer at the scene says that there are many young people gathered in the area and that the police are searching the city for both civilians and uniforms.

A witness at the scene that VG has spoken to says shortly after 8:30 p.m. that there is an ambulance and several policemen at the scene, and that the police must be armed.

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