Twice as infected as in Sweden


In last week’s report from the National Institute of Public Health, which was released yesterday, it appeared that 776 cases of covid-19 infection were reported in Norway last week, compared to 717 cases the week before.

To measure the infection pressure in Norway, FHI tends to look at the number of infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. But there are also other ways to measure the pressure of new infections.

According to Our World in Data, which analyzes the number of new cases of infection per 1 million inhabitants per day, the figure is 20.08 in Norway.

Graphics: Photo: Our world in data

Graphics: Photo: Our world in data
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In Denmark, however, the situation is quite different. The number of new cases is now 89.80, recent figures show Our world in data.

There is more than double that in Sweden, which is registered with 33.37 number of infected per 1 million inhabitants.

Rapid increase

– You can see that Denmark has risen very rapidly in the last three weeks, but there was a slower rise last week, says Thomas Nilsson, development strategist in Expressen’s Skåne Region.

On August 1, Denmark opened for all of Sweden. So Sweden had a significantly higher weekly average than Denmark, at 19.73 versus 8.66, according to the newspaper.

Since mid-April, Sweden has had far more confirmed infections than Denmark, the newspaper writes.

CORONAVIRUSET: Prime Minister Erna Solberg on the coronavirus vaccine. Reporter: Frode Andresen / Dagbladet. Video: Embla Hjort-Larsen / Dagbladet Photo: NTB / Vidar Ruud
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More tests

In early September, this changed, when Denmark had a kick in the spread of the infection. Since then, the pressure of infection has been high and, in the last 24 hours, the Danes have registered 398 new cases of infection and one death.

The Expressen article emphasizes that many more are tested in Denmark than in Sweden and therefore it is not entirely correct to compare the figures for the two countries.

Denmark sounds the alarm

Denmark sounds the alarm

Increase in Stockholm

Recently, an increase in infection has also been observed in some parts of Sweden.

Cases of infection in Stockholm have nearly doubled in two weeks in a row, Aftonbladet writes.

– We are on our way again, declared Björn Eriksson, director of health and medical treatment in the Stockholm region, at a press conference on 22 September.

Stockholm: nearly doubling cases of infection

Stockholm: almost doubling the cases of infection

Six counties

In Norway, there has been an increase in infection in six counties in the last period. These are Agder, Rogaland, Troms and Finnmark, Vestfold and Telemark, Innlandet and Oslo.

At the same time, in other counties, fewer cases were reported than the previous week, and 263 of the country’s 356 municipalities did not report any cases last week, according to FHI.

– There was a slight increase in new intensive care unit admissions and deaths last week, compared to the previous weeks. 3 new admissions to the intensive care unit and 4 deaths were reported. These numbers are still low, says Line Vold.

CORONAVIRUSET: Prime Minister Erna Solberg says we still have to wait for the reopening due to pressure from the infection. Reporter: Frode Andresen / Dagbladet. Video: Embla Hjort-Larsen / Dagbladet. Photo: NTB
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– Can be random

– The increase may be the result of a greater spread of the infection in the last four weeks, but it can also be accidental, especially since a decrease in the number of hospital admissions with covid-19 as the main cause has been observed in week 39 Vold emphasizes.

According to the results of mathematical models, the R number, the breeding number in Norway after September 1 and until the middle of the month is estimated at 1.10, FHI states.

The model estimates that there have been a total of 74,800-101,000 infected in Norway.

Disappointing message from Oslo

Disappointing message from Oslo

Facilitates measurements

Yesterday Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced that Norway will resume the gradual reopening of the company.

The changes apply to both wide sports, bar stops and outdoor events.

But Oslo and other municipalities with a high spread of the infection may have to wait.
