TV 2, Coronavirus | The publication of the profile of TV 2 generates strong reactions: – We live in a dictatorship


Now the channel has made several changes to the text.

– From being the best country in the world to live in, we are now citizens of a dictatorship. This is how Linn Wiik, profile of TV 2, starts a post about coronary restrictions in Norway. It has created reactions.

In the post, Wiik calls Norway a dictatorship, and that “in recent Norwegian history, the most famous dictator is Erna Solberg.”

Several respond

On Twitter, there are several who react to what Wiik writes. Political commentator on Bergens Tidende, Morten Myksvoll writes the following: “Linn Wiik has no idea what a dictatorship is at all,” and at the time of writing this article has received over 200 likes on the tweet.

You are not the only one who reacts:

More changes

Following the publication of the post, TV 2 has made several changes. Among other things, the original title has been changed from “We live in a dictatorship” to “We are very bored”, and the word “dictatorship” has been placed in quotation marks in much of the text.

The text also read the following:

“From being the best country in the world to live in, now we are citizens of a dictatorship. Because there is no doubt about that: we live in a dictatorship.”

Which has now been changed to this:

“From being the best country in the world to live in, we are now citizens of a ‘dictatorship’.”

Also read: Teacher: Giving Norwegian coronary vaccines to poor countries

Don’t think we live in a dictatorship

TV 2 news editor Karianne Solbrække writes in an SMS to Nettavisen that Wiik has written a text in which he seriously mixes with satire and writes about a concern in the wake of the crown measures and the injuries they inflict to society in the long term.

– We see that it was not clear enough that she does not mean that we live in a dictatorship, so she has chosen to give more details about this, writes Solbrække.

This is the section that Wiik has added to the text:

“I am not opposed to the measures. On the contrary, I do everything they tell me. And I do not mean that we live in a dictatorship. Not really. But I think it is worth questioning everything we do as a society to keep ourselves crown free. with other parts of our lives. “

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