«Tusvik & Tønne» – – Shameful and ruthless


Comedian duo Sigrid Bonde Tusvik and Lisa Tønne have previously been accused of dating on the popular “Tusvik & Tønne” podcast.

Now they receive criticism again, this time from the famous manager Erland Bakke, who takes a very hard line in a post on Dagbladet.

In the latest episode of the podcast, “Fuck Thursday, Snapchatsnok and Nazi-Erna”, the two address, among other things, Vidar Kvalshaug’s book “Ari – Bohemen and the books”.

I'm getting nauseous

I’m getting nauseous

The episode also features a number of unflattering features. by the deceased author. Among other things, Tusvik says that one “should be able to tell” that Behn was “useless”.

– We’ve talked about this before. We talked about how Ari Behn didn’t have many good sides, he also says in the episode.

– embarrassing

Dagbladet has presented the content of the episode to the spokesman for the Behn family, Geir Håkonsund.

– In general, I think it is shameful, ruthless and rude to trample on a grieving family. It would have been nice if he could rest in peace. The statements from Tusvik and Tønne will be at their own expense, he writes in an SMS to Dagbladet.

He states that the family is informed about the podcast and has no other comments.

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Infected by dead horse bacteria

Tusvik and Tønne have been presented with Håkonsund’s statement. They say they don’t want to reply on Dagbladet, but Tusvik writes in an SMS that they can reply on their own podcast.

Dagbladet has also sent Bakke’s posts and statements to Dagbladet for Tusvik and Tønne. They have not yet responded to this query.

Dagbladet has also reached out to Carina Scheele Carlsen, Märtha Louise’s personal assistant, with questions about whether she wants to comment on the podcast or Bakke’s post. Dagbladet has yet to receive a response.

– You have nausea

Celebrity manager Erland Bakke is highly critical of Behn’s mention on the podcast. In a position at Dagbladet, he harshly criticizes Tusvik and Tønne.

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Princess Märtha Louise receives a documentary series

Bakke is, among other things, the sports profile manager John Arne Riise. Bakke and Riise have been mentioned on the podcast, among other things, in the episode “Petter Northug, stuffed cloths and nipples on a trip through the woods” on August 17.

He also represents artist Carina Dahl, television profile Linni Meister, artist Chris Medina, and host Per Sundnes.

Bakke has previously represented comedian Ørjan Burøe. Metoo’s accusations against Burøe were frequently mentioned in “Tusvik & Tønne”. Hill and Motormouth management broke up with Burøe in February 2019.

“I have been among the many that Tusvik and Tønne have spoken negatively. It has had commercial consequences for me. But that is not why I am writing this post. What Tusvik and Tønne do in this week’s episode makes me nauseous” , writes in the post.

LAST WITH MARIE SIMONSEN: Comedian Sigrid Bonde Tusvik on death threats earlier this year.
see more

– I have not opposed before, not when they have mentioned me or my profiles. But I have firsthand knowledge of what it means to be on his podcast, Bakke tells Dagbladet.

He says he doesn’t like the podcast, but stresses that he “distinguishes between podcast and person.”

– I don’t know people. They are good entertainers and comedians, but spending so much time talking so disparagingly about other people, I have never liked it. It hurts more than it is fun.

NRK apologizes

NRK apologizes “oh my gosh”

– Not bitter

Bakke claims that nearly all of the 19 profiles he represents have been posted on the podcast.

– I’m not bitter, but I know how this has affected me and my profiles, both personally and professionally, he says.

Compare the podcast to a “sewing club.”

– Things that were previously said in private are now said in public space, with 180,000 listeners laughing.

LAST WITH MARIE SIMONSEN: Comedian Sigrid Bonde Tusvik visits Marie Simonsen’s live podcast on Chat Noir in Oslo. Video: Nicolai Delebekk / Dagbladet
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Bakke claims to have listened to 70 percent of the podcast’s episodes, and believes that many have hung out. He accuses comedians of not understanding the harm they can do to those they refer to, and believes that they often make claims that cannot be defended against.

Now ask for an ethical debate around the podcast. In particular, he reacts to Behn’s mention, he says.

– Here they come with very serious accusations against a person who struggled mentally for many years, and who chose to kill himself. Can’t we let Ari Behn have peace? I think of the afflicted and answer that they commit a complete murder of the character of a person who is no longer alive.
