Trump’s New Target: – Idiot, Disaster


TUCSON, ARIZONA (Dagbladet): USA has much stricter bandage recommendations than Norway. Mouthpieces are recommended in public, but are also required in supermarkets, restaurants, bars, and other outlets, unless you are seated.

At the gigantic Trump rallies, which regularly draw thousands of people together, face masks are recommended. They are also distributed at the entrance. At the same time, the main attraction on stage, the person most of these adore, is a president who has regularly refused to wear a face mask and downplayed the coronavirus.

– could die tomorrow

ANTI-FREEDOM ?: Anthony Fauci is becoming the symbol of Donald Trump of the fatigue of the initiative that is affecting the United States, as in Norway. But the great political divide in the country leads to a very heated debate over crown measures and bandages. Photo: AFP / NTB
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That in a country with more than 220,000 deaths from the disease, and where the president himself is infected.

– It’s about freedom. We Republicans are in favor of freedom, Democrats are in favor of restrictions. This is why most people here do not wear masks. I wear a mask at the dentist or in the store, where I have to. I’m out now and could die tomorrow anyway, says Trump voter Jane.

He doesn’t want his full name to appear in the newspaper, but he is clear about what he thinks about Joe Biden.

– Will lead to more restrictions for people. It’s an empty suit.

– And Anthony Fauci?

FREEDOM: Jane was one of the many thousands who had made it to Trump’s event in Tucson on Tuesday night. She does not wear a mask. Photo: Trym Mogen / Dagbladet
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– I like Scott Atlas better, he says, referring to Trump’s much-criticized adviser, the conservative radiologist who has become Trump’s closest medical adviser.

– moron

If Atlas has been embraced by the president and his followers, the opposite is true for Fauci. The healthy 79-year-old man was long seen as a hope in the world that Trump and the US crown would be heading on the right track.

Trump himself is said to have reached out to Fauci, who heads the State Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“People are tired of listening to Fauci and the idiots,” Trump is said to have said in a conversation with his own campaign, according to the Washington Post.

– A disaster

TUSCON: At tonight’s election rally, Trump tabled another proposal against a group of voters he is fighting with, namely suburban women. Video: AP
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– And we still have it. He goes to TV every day, each time with a new “bomb.” But it will be a bigger bomb if you kick it. Fauci is a mess, Trump is said to have said on the phone call from his hotel in Las Vegas, where he ran a campaign Sunday.

Fox News obtained the audio recording after it was mentioned by the Washington Post.

– He’s a nice boy. It’s been there for about 500 years, says the president.

In addition, he claimed, without foundation, that the policies of Fauci and other experts would have killed hundreds of thousands more. Trump has repeatedly said during his campaign rallies in front of thousands of people that the “cure” cannot be worse than the problem.

New attacks

Desperate hunting in a state of crisis

Desperate hunting in a state of crisis

It has also launched strong attacks against states that have imposed stricter restrictions. Among other things, he has warned that his opponent Joe Biden will introduce draconian crown measures across the country.

But the fact that he now puts Anthony Fauci as the main figure in a strict coronation policy is a new feature.

“He wants to hear from Dr. Fauci,” Trump said during an election campaign meeting in Prescott, a few hours north of Tucson, on Monday.

– Back to normal

- Oh my God

– Oh my God

In the future, Trump will hold 3-4 large public meetings a day. At these public gatherings, there are often many thousands of people gathered and hardly anyone wears bandages. Former Harvard researcher and epidemiologist Erid Feigl-Ding strongly warned Dagbladet against the events last week.

But the attack on Fauci and others who are for stricter coronary restrictions is seen as part of a strategy in which Trump wants to mobilize grassroots that are tired of the virus and all the restrictions that come with it.

- They called us murderers

– They called us murderers

– The pandemic is reversing, vaccines are on the way and I look good, right? he said on stage here in Tucson on Tuesday night.

– We return to a normal life. That’s what we want. With us, it will be a safe vaccine, while Biden will close. It’s the choice between a Trump recovery or a Biden depression, the president said.

Not surprised

Several of his voters Dagbladet has spoken with have expressed that they are not afraid of the coronavirus. Many of them have justified the lack of use of face masks by saying that the media and authorities exaggerate how dangerous the virus is.

TRIUMPH: Trump voters don’t always agree with the appearance of the president, but they support him as long as he gets things done. Video: Trym Mogen / Elias Zahl-Pettersen.
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More than 220,000 Americans have died from the virus, while more than eight million have been infected.

But Trump and Fauci have barked together multiple times. Among other things, the doctor has objected to the Trump campaign using him in advertisements. In an interview with 60 Minutes on Sunday night, he also said he was not surprised that Trump was infected.

- You can say what you want

– You can say what you want

Responses with “The appointment of the godfather”

He was interviewed on KNX radio channel 10.70 on Monday and asked to respond to Trump’s comment.

– I’d rather not respond to that and I’d rather continue to protect the health and safety of the United States and the world. We are seeing an increase in the number of cases. Many states that got it right are now seeing an increase. We should focus on that, he says.

He also cited the 1972 film classic “The Godfather”.

Hoarding guns before the election

Hoarding guns before the election

– The second is like in “The Godfather”: “Nothing personal, just business.” I just want to do my job, he says.

– I felt like superman

Trump claimed once again last night that he is immune to the virus, despite several examples of double infection.

– I’m immune. I can kiss everyone who is here. You will not succeed. I jump into the audience right away, he says.

Trump is now particularly concerned about using the fact that he recovered from the coronavirus in the election campaign. The president received a treatment of experimental drugs that have hardly been tested in people.

Taken by

Taken by “gray settlement”

– I felt like a superman and I said to the doctors: “Get me out of here!”, He says about his own stay in the hospital two weeks ago.

Some of the supporters here in Tuscon yelled “superman” at the president during the election campaign event.

The presidential campaign in the United States continues to thunder. On Wednesday, former US President Barack Obama will campaign for Joe Biden. Donald Trump and Biden meet for a second and final debate in Nashville on Friday night. Follow both events here on!
