Trump will be examined by a doctor on television – VG


NIGHTLY ELECTION MEETING: President Donald Trump removed his bandage and posed for photographers as he returned home from his stay at Walter Reed Hospital on Monday. Tonight he will speak from the same balcony. Photo: KEN CEDENO / POOL / POLARIS POOL

The president of the United States will make his first television appearance since it was confirmed that he was infected with the coronavirus.

At 2:00 am on Saturday night Norwegian time, the US president will be examined and interviewed by Dr. Marc Siegel on the Fox News program “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the channel reports.

The doctor is connected to the channel.

Trump also plans to hold an event outside the White House on Saturday, writes ABC News. It will be the first time since Trump was confirmed to be infected with the crown last week.

According to the channel, Trump will then speak about law and order, an issue that has been important to him throughout the election campaign.

According to Reuters, the president is expected to speak to the public from the balcony of the White House.

INFECTED: That’s how it was when Donald Trump left Walter Reed Hospital on Monday. Photo: Evan Vucci / AP

The New York Times also mentions the event, writing that several hundred are expected to participate.

His first voter meeting after the infection is scheduled for Sanford, Florida, next Monday.


In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Trump said he is in great shape. The president’s voice was hoarse and he had to repeatedly interrupt for hosting during the interview.

“I’m probably the most analyzed person in the world right now,” Trump said.

A few hours before the interview, Trump received the green light from his own doctor, Sean Conley, to resume business in public.

“Saturday is ten days from the diagnosis, and based on the diagnosis we made, I hope the president can safely return to public office again,” he said in a Conley announcement.

Last week’s election campaign has focused primarily on Trump and First Lady Melania getting infected with corona. Much of the infection can be traced to an event in Rosehagen: the ceremony for Supreme Court candidate Amy Coney Barrett.

The White House will not release the guest list, but VG has identified 110 participants. So far, at least 15 have tested positive for coronavirus.

“Mass infection in the White House”

In an interview with CBS on radio says the director of the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Fauci, that there has undoubtedly been a massive infection incident at the White House.

In the interview, Fauci talks about how he has recommended the use of masks for at least six months.

– The figures speak for themselves, we have had a massive infection event in the White House. They were in a situation where people were very close together and did not wear masks.

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