Trump turns around: denies mitigating coronavirus


A little more than a week ago, excerpts and audio clips from the new book by renowned journalist Bob Woodward appeared in which the president admitted that he deliberately minimized the mortality of the virus to avoid panic in the population.

Bob Woodward is one of America’s most famous journalists, who, along with Carl Bernstein, exposed the Watergate scandal nearly half a century ago.

– I always wanted to tone it down. “I still like to tone it down, because I don’t want to panic,” Trump said in an interview with Woodward on March 19.

Background: New book: Trump fully aware that he gave Americans incorrect information about the coronavirus

The night before Norwegian time Wednesday, Trump appeared on a television broadcast called “The President and the People” of Philadelphia on ABC News, where local voters could ask the president questions.

Posted on the wall about the virus

A woman asked the president why he downplayed the pandemic, when he also believes that it is the president’s responsibility to protect the United States.

– Well, I didn’t lower my tone. In fact, in many ways I toned it down when it comes to action. My actions were very strong, unlike Trump.

When the woman tried to reference the revelations in Woodward’s book, the president interrupted her and gave more details about his response.

– We would have lost thousands more had he not initiated the travel ban, said the president, referring to travel bans against China and Europe.

– It’s called action, not just talking, but real action. We did a very, very good job when we started the ban. Whether you call it talent or luck, it was very important. We saved many lives when we did, he answered.

– Didn’t people want to be afraid?

Only a week ago the president defended the statements he made in the book during a press conference.

– The fact is that I am a cheerleader from this country. I love our country and I didn’t want people to be afraid. She did not want to create panic in the country or in the world, she said at a press conference at the White House.

As of Wednesday, the United States has the highest number of corona infections in the world with almost 6.8 million and more than 200,000 in the United States have lost their lives in relation to the virus.
