Trump suggests he will fire Fauci after the election – VG


AT THE EXIT? Infection control expert and physician Anthony Fauci. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP

Donald Trump and American infection control expert Anthony Fauci have long disagreed on the corona pandemic. Now the doctor can be the neighbor of the White House.

US President Donald Trump believes press coverage of the pandemic will decline after the election and suggests that he will fire the country’s infection control expert Anthony Fauci, NTB writes.

At an election rally in Florida last night, he also expressed frustration that the corona pandemic remains high in the media.

The audience responded by shouting “Get the Fauci fired.”

“Don’t tell anyone, but let me wait a little longer after the election,” the crowd replied.

Trump has previously clashed with the US infection control expert on several occasions, and has raised concerns about a possible political setback by removing the popular and respected doctor ahead of the election. At the Florida election rally, he thanked the public for “the advice.”

Fauci (79) is the leading expert on the White House crown crisis team. He is an immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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Criticize Trump

In a rare open interview with the Washington Post on Monday, Fauci says Trump cares more about the economy than public health.

In the interview, he is asked what he thinks about the differences in how the two presidential candidates have handled the infection.

– The Biden campaign takes it seriously from a public health perspective. Trump sees it from a different perspective, Fauci said.

When asked what perspective it was, Fauci replied: “The economy and the reopening of the country.”

Most infected and dead in the world

The US has recorded the highest number of corona infections in the world, with the most new infections recorded in one day so far on Friday, the summary shows VG.

A total of 9,207,362 corona cases have been reported in the United States.

The country also has by far the highest number of deaths as a result of the corona pandemic. More than 230,000 people with coronary heart disease lost their lives in the United States. There are more than 70,000 more than Brazil, which has the second highest number of deaths.

During the electoral campaign, Donald Trump has declared on several occasions that the pandemic is under control and has reduced the severity of it.

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