Trump resigns the day before Biden’s inauguration – VG


In a video posted on the White House YouTube account, Donald Trump says goodbye to the president and the American people.


– My compatriots, four years ago we started a great national project to rebuild the country and renew the spirit and restore the connection between the government and the citizens. To ensure that we begin the mission of making America great again for all Americans, Trump begins with the farewell speech that was released at 10 p.m. Norway time.

– At the end of my term as president, I feel proud in front of you for what we have achieved together. We did what we came here to do, and much more continues.

Joe Biden will take over as President of the United States on Wednesday at 6pm Norwegian time.

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Joe Biden takeover: Fear of attack from within

Wish the next administration luck

Despite the fact that Trump has so far failed to acknowledge that he lost the presidential election in the fall of 2020, and has made a number of false and undocumented allegations, including that his election was stolen, he wishes the new administration good luck in his speech. .

“This week we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in preserving America as a safe and prosperous country,” said the outgoing president, adding:

– We send our best wishes. We also want you to be lucky, a very important word.

During the 20-minute speech, Trump didn’t mention Joe Biden once.

Even before the video was released, parts of what the speech was supposed to be unveiled, according to Reuters journalist Jeff Mason.

In the speech, Trump thanked family and supporters, including his wife Melania, children and partners, Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

“We were all shocked by the attack”

He also singles out the United States as a country, calling it a “truly magnificent nation.” Soon after, he commented on the attack on Congress.

– We were all shocked by the attack on Congress. Political violence is an attack on everything we stand for as Americans. It can never be tolerated. Now more than ever, we must rally around our common values. We must overcome biased hatred and stick together, he says.

Trump has been heavily criticized by people on both sides of American politics after the uprising in Congress on January 6, which resulted in the deaths of five people.

The House of Representatives approved a Supreme Court indictment against him for “inciting rebellion.”

Therefore, Trump will be tried in the Senate for the second time, as the first American president in history.

– The movement has just begun

Trump says in the speech that he came to Washington “as a true outsider” and had not spent his career as a politician, “but as a developer who looked up into the infinite sky and envisioned opportunities for me.”

– The United States has given me so much and I wanted to give something back. Together with millions of working citizens across the country, we built the largest political movement in the country’s history. We also build the largest economy in world history.

Towards the end of the speech, he returns to the same topic:

– I fought for America and all that it stands for, and it is safe, strong, proud and free. Now, as I prepare to hand over power on Wednesday at 12 o’clock, I want you to know that the movement that we started has only just begun. There has never been anything like it, he says and adds:

– The belief that a nation should serve its inhabitants will not disappear, it will only become stronger.

RESEARCHER: Hilmar Mjelde at NORCE at the University of Bergen. Photo: UiB

Norwegian Researcher: – Classic Populism

US lead researcher and expert Hilmar Mjelde of the University of Bergen believes that Trump sees himself as “the leader of a patriotic popular movement that has fought to restore lost American greatness and pride.”

According to the researcher, the movement speaks of “the cause of the little man and the little woman, the so-called silent majority.”

– It is classic populism mixed with a form of chauvinistic nationalism and ideas of American singularity, Mjelde tells VG and adds:

But as we have seen in recent months, Trump’s followers are neither silent nor in the majority. The hard core represents an illiberal, exclusive and authoritarian nationalism. Trumpism also has a clear element of pure personal worship.

FACT: President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have their last full day of work on Tuesday. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP

Melania ended up as first lady

On Monday, his wife, Melania Trump, resigned as first lady. In the seven-minute video posted on the “FLOTUS” Twitter account, she said, among other things:

– My fellow citizens: It has been the greatest honor of my life serving as the First Lady of the United States.

“FLOTUS” står for “First Lady of the United States”.

He also noted that “violence is never the answer and will never be justified,” with a clear reference to the uprising in Congress on January 6.
