Trump receives “promising” antibody cocktail – VG


TO THE HOSPITAL: Donald Trump has arrived at the Walter Reed Military Hospital, where he will spend the next few days. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP

According to Trump’s doctor, Sean P. Conley, the president has mild symptoms.

He is exhausted, but in a good mood, according to the doctor. The White House writes that he will be transferred to the hospital for safety and on the recommendation of the doctor.

After the infection was confirmed, the president received a single eight-gram dose of the drug Regeneron as a preventive measure, his doctor claims.

Read also: Donald Trump to the hospital – gave the go-ahead

Antibody cocktail

It is a treatment that consists of a cocktail of antibodies against covid-19.

Antibodies are intended to mimic the antibodies that the body itself produces to fight disease.

The drug is made by extracting antibodies from infected people and then synthetically reproducing them.

The company emphasizes on its website that the drug is being tested.

– Regulatory authorities have not fully evaluated safety and efficacy, Regeneron writes.

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THUMB UP: Trump on his way to the helicopter that took him to the hospital. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP

– Promising results

– It is a new drug and still in development, but there are promising results that need to be further tested, says epidemiologist and head of the Research Council, John-Arne Røttingen to VG.

The drug is not approved, but it can be given in research studies or as an experimental treatment if the patient consents.

– I understand in the context of your job title and position that you want to maximize your chances of not becoming seriously ill.

She adds that she is a bit surprised that they didn’t give her Remdesivir.

The president’s doctor claims that Trump has also been given zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.

Famotidine is often used for stomach acid and is sold in the US without a prescription:

– It is a drug that is being tested for corona treatment. There have been some reports indicating that it may have a positive effect on covid-19, says Røttingen.

Here’s the press release from Donald Trump’s doctor. Photo: CASA BLANCA / X00603

– very encouraging

Regeneron on Tuesday released test results showing that its antibody cocktail appears to reduce the amount of coronavirus in patients and ease symptoms, CNN reports.

The results include only 275 patients, but they are very promising, according to Dr. Jeane Marazzo, who heads the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama.

Regeron’s cocktail consists of an antibody that hunts down the protein the coronavirus uses to pierce healthy cells, and another that attacks other parts of the virus.

– Whether it is antibody therapy or vaccines that attack these proteins, it seems that we are on the right track. “I think it’s very encouraging,” Marazzo told CNN.

Other doctors also test positive, but all emphasize that there is still a lot of tests left.

also read

Trump is infected with the coronavirus

– It does not have an established place in the treatment of covid-19

According to Arne Broch Brantsæter, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Oslo University Hospital, there are studies that suggest that having high levels of vitamin D may be beneficial for the course.
of covid-19.

– But we do not know enough whether it is useful to give vitamin D when you get sick, says Brantsæter to VG.

Regeneron’s drug consists of a combination of several antibodies that have been shown to reduce the amount of virus, but so far this is considered a trial treatment and does not have an established place in the treatment of COVID-19, according to the superior. .

– Remdesivir has been shown to shorten the course of the disease in patients who are hospitalized for a few days, but it has not shown an effect on mortality, says Brantsæter.

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