Trump has not paid income tax for ten of the last 15 years – VG


The New York Times has been receiving tax returns from President Donald Trump for more than the last 20 years.

Tax reports received by the newspaper show that the US president has not paid income taxes for ten of the last 15 years.

The newspaper further writes that Trump paid $ 750 in federal income taxes in 2016 when he won the presidential election, and that he also paid $ 750 in income taxes in his first year as president in 2017.

The sum corresponds to just over 7,000 NOK.

According to the newspaper, the reason Trump has not paid more in income taxes is largely because he has reported that he has lost more money than he has made.

Trump has been fighting for several years to keep his tax returns from being made public.

The New York Times writes that tax returns tell a fundamentally different story than what Trump himself has told the American public about himself.

The tax returns he has submitted to the United States tax authorities are intended to portray a businessman who makes several hundred million dollars a year, but still suffers from persistent large losses, which he in turn uses to avoid paying taxes.

According to the newspaper, Trump, now facing mounting economic challenges, is increasingly dependent on making money from companies that put him in a potential and often direct conflict of interest with his job as president.

The case is being updated

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