Trump goes on to say: – Treat us worse than the enemy


Election day is really coming up in the United States. People are expected to go to the polls to vote for their favorite next Tuesday.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden were fishing for voices in the important state of Florida, a state that many experts believe Trump must win if he is to have any hope of continuing as president.

During an election rally in Tampa, Trump warned voters not to vote for Biden. He believes that Biden’s policies will lead the country into a depression and weaken the role of the United States on the international stage.

– He wants you to hand over our country to China, to all these nations that take advantage of us. That’s why I’m here, said the president.

Read also: American expert: – Trump has achieved a lot

– embarrassing

Trump believes the United States is being exploited and mistreated by its allies around the world.

– In many ways, our allies treat us worse than the enemy. At least we have our guard up against the enemy. “What our allies have done to us in terms of military protection and trade is disgraceful,” Trump said.

At the same time, the president accused Germany of wanting former President Barack Obama to return to the White House.

“It means I’m doing something right,” Trump said.

Read also: Dissatisfied Trump spoke to the people: – I am not doing this for my health

NATO riots

This is not the first time that Trump has reached out to his allies. In 2018, he took a firm stand against allied NATO members for spending too little money on defense.

In 2014, NATO countries agreed to spend 2 percent or more of gross domestic product on defense, but few managed to achieve the goal. The president of the United States has repeatedly said that the other member states must bear a greater share of the burden.

The situation was so tense that Trump was on the verge of declaring that he would withdraw the United States from the military alliance, if not all allies were obliged to achieve the goal.

Read also: Obama mocks Trump: – He is jealous of the media coverage of the crown crisis

The battle for advertising time

Presidential candidates spend large sums of money on advertising to be visible during the election campaign.

Biden has spent $ 54.1 million, equivalent to nearly 500 million crowns, on advertising time in the last eight days of the election campaign.

Trump has spent $ 26.9 million, according to advertising firm Advertising Analytics. The advertising time game tipped even further in the Democrats’ favor on Wednesday, when former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg began spending $ 15 million on advertising in Texas and Ohio attacking Trump’s handling of the coronal pandemic. .

Trump won Texas and Ohio by 9 and 8 percentage points, respectively, in 2016, but Bloomberg staff say the billionaire was convinced they are within the grasp of Democrats after taking opinion polls this weekend. One of his top advisers says there is a deadlock in both states.
