Trump Election Rally – – People are crazy about Trump


HARRISBURG (Dagbladet): President Donald Trump exits Air Force One and takes the stage with the song “God Bless the USA” in the background. Get on the podium around 1:40 Norway time.

“We won Pennsylvania the last time and this time we will win with much more,” Trump told those present at the election meeting in the state of Pennsylvania.

Cheers and applause erupt when the president mentions that he is coming directly from Rosehagen, where he revealed earlier in the evening that he is nominating Amy Coney Barrett (48) to the country’s Supreme Court.

The sound is now so low that people in the back cannot hear it. “Turn up the volume,” many shout. They are clearly frustrated after waiting for it for many hours.

Trump is also briefly interrupted by a counter-protester who is expelled.

“Now he is going home to his parents,” Trump said.

Run after this

Run after this

– Do not sneeze on people

Several thousand anxious and expectant Trump supporters gathered on the runway at the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, airport Saturday night. Trump is fighting at the polls in important tip status, but he has held several election meetings here in recent weeks.

– He’s the best president we’ve had so far. We are very lucky. He works for the American people. He puts America first. Fight for freedom, support the constitution. It’s amazing, April Starshine tells Dagbladet.

- People are crazy about Trump
LOCKED IN SPACE: People stand to listen to US President Donald Trump at an election rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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She heads to the event with the American flag and various Trump effects. Like many others, she is not particularly afraid of the corona pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 200,000 Americans.

– I am as concerned about the coronavirus as I am about the flu. It is a little more contagious, but the numbers are very distorted. The United States is the most important country in the world. Our freedom determines the freedom of others. China and the Obama administration had a plan and they spread the virus around the world. They didn’t broadcast it only in the United States because it would be too obvious. But don’t sneeze at people, Starshine says, even though no expert will agree with the description of this story.

– What do you think of Biden?

– We know he won’t rule. They will be Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden only reads from a teleprompter.

April Starshine.  Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet

April Starshine. Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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– Crazy About Trump

For several hours, the patient waited for the President of the United States to fly in “Air Force One.” All were offered a mask and disinfectant.

Most carry Trump effects. Everyone also had to pick up the pace before they were allowed to enter. But within the barriers, there is no form of social distancing at all. There is also a great distance between the bandages.

– There are many people and enthusiasm. People are crazy about Trump, Peter Ocasio concludes to Dagbladet and emphasizes that he is not a close relative to the young shooting star of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Peter Ocasio.  Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet

Peter Ocasio. Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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He is Latin American and a former Democrat. He is now in his first election meeting with Trump.

– Supports the first and second constitutional amendments (the right to speak and the right to bear arms journaln.anm.), Ocasio explains why and continues:

– The economy is the most important thing Trump has achieved. The economy was pretty good before this pandemic hit us. And it has done a lot for Latin Americans. I myself am Latin American and my business has done quite well in recent years. What he should do a little more is health and recipes. I think you can do well, if you choose.

Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet

Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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– What do you think of Biden?

– Joe Biden is a little slow now. He has done nothing in 47 years for the people of America. I dont trust him.

Like many others at the election rally, Ocasio is not particularly concerned about the coronavirus.

– Well, it didn’t affect me. I have not gotten sick. But there are many who have to take care of it because they have underlying health problems.

DANCE SHOW: Donald Trump surprised during an election campaign meeting in Ohio.
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– Do you have two hours?

Around him is full of Trump’s trademark red caps. Some counter-protesters have managed to sneak in. They are greeted by an aggressive crowd before being kicked out.

“Trump has saved this economy from mass unemployment and improved the lives of minorities, especially,” said Dave Monoski.

He and Amanda Monoski are at their first Trump rally.

– What do you think is the most important thing you have achieved as president?

Dave and Amanda Monoski.  Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet

Dave and Amanda Monoski. Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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– Do you have two hours? How much time do you have? Do you want to talk about trade agreements? About the space program? About the military? On the future of minorities?

– How do you think you have dealt with the pandemic?

– You have tackled the pandemic brilliantly. He held press conferences every day for three months. It shut down China when Democrats said it shouldn’t.

– What do you think of Joe Biden?

– Joe Biden is an idiot. Sleep half the time. It closes at 9pm every day because it can’t stand it anymore. He’s a bedside doll, says Dave Monoski.

- A serious threat

– A serious threat

I don’t like the tweet

Lily Qa agrees.

– Joe Biden hasn’t done much for this country in 47 years. America is a great country. We need a strong president, we need a smart president. We don’t need a sleeping president, says Qa, clearly inspired by Trump’s nickname for the Democratic presidential candidate “Sleepy Joe.”

She tells Dagbladet that she was originally born in another country, but now supports Trump.

– I support Trump because I love this country. I feel like he loves this country. He does a wonderful job for America, for you, for me, for everyone, says Qa.

Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet

Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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Justin Heiser.  Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet

Justin Heiser. Photograph: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet
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Justin Heiser is an avid Trump fan, but he doesn’t like the president’s tweet.

– Given the choices between Trump and Biden, I think Trump is clearly a better option. I like your politics.

– I’m impressed with the tax cuts. And his greatest achievement is the nomination of three Supreme Court justices to a presidency and that has made the federal courts more conservative. He could have done it without the tweet and the eccentric comments, but overall, he’s a better candidate, Heiser tells Dagbladet and continues:

– Joe Biden is slow. It is out of that. It is not fully present. I don’t think I have the mental capacity to be president.

– Why don’t you like twitter messages?

– You tend to run into almost all controversies. You feel like you have to comment on everything. Sometimes it bothers me because it does unnecessary things. But I think many of those who support it ignore it because they like politics.
