Trump Approaches Biden After Calling Him “George”


On Sunday night, the Democratic presidential candidate held a digital election event with his wife Jill. As Biden spoke to potential voters, it seemed like he forgot the name of his Republican opponent.

“Four new years with George, uh, George, uh, he … we’ll be in a situation where, if Trump is elected, we’ll be in another world,” Biden said.

During the session, it might appear to viewers that Biden is getting help from his better half, who repeatedly whispers “Trump” to get the Democrat back on track.

It was all over in seconds, but the talk draws a lot of attention in the Trump camp.

In Social networks It is speculated that Biden was thinking of George W. Bush, who was president from 2001 to 2009, or his father, George HW Bush, who was in power from 1989 to 1993.

According to various media outlets, including Business Insider and the AP news agency, Biden is referring to comedian George Lopez, who ran the digital election campaign event.

So Biden didn’t say the wrong name, but instead answered a question he got from Lopez.

Wondering about dementia

However, several Trump supporters believe that Biden’s mistake testifies that the Democrat is insane, a claim that the president himself has made several times.

– The bite shows clear signs of dementia, writes ophthalmologist Nan Hayworth. Twitter.

He represented Republicans in Congress from 2010 to 2012, delivering a ruthless verdict on Trump’s challenger:

The bite does not strike a chord with young voters: – The man is crazy

– It is completely inconceivable that Biden could forget the name of the CURRENT president, against whom he is fighting, unless he lacked cognitive abilities. It is missing, concludes the Republican ophthalmologist.

On Monday morning, news of Biden’s talk also reached Trump himself. Donald is not impressed by being called “George”:

– Joe Biden called me George yesterday. I didn’t remember my name, Trump writes to his 87 million Twitter followers.

He also repeated this during an election campaign event later on Monday.

– I don’t know if I should be sad or happy. We can’t have this in the White House, Trump said.

The president further accuses the US media of not mentioning Biden’s mistake.

– Fake news: Kartellet works overtime to hide it! Trump concludes.

Biden denies the allegations

The dementia attack has been a popular tool for the Trump camp for much of the election campaign, and has earned Biden the nickname “Sleepy Joe.”

Joe Biden dismisses rumors of dementia during an interview with

Joe Biden dismisses rumors of dementia during an interview with “60 Minutes.” Photo:. CBSNews / 60 MINUTES via AP)

During a “60 Minutes” interview broadcast Sunday, the 78-year-old Biden faced the allegations.

– The same guy who thought the 9/11 attack was an attack on 7-Eleven? Are you talking about dementia? Biden responded during an interview, reproduced by The Hill.

Biden referred to one of Trump’s gossip during the 2016 election campaign, when the Republican referred to the 9/11 terror attacks as “seven eleven.”

The Democrat believes that voters should look at the two candidates and judge for themselves who is the most suitable to run for president.

– They must compare our physical and mental capacities. I’m happy with that comparison, adds Biden.
