Trump Abandons Vaccine Collaboration: Erna Solberg Disappointed In US – VG


DISAPPOINTED: Erna Solberg would like the United States to join the alliance that will ensure a fair distribution of vaccine doses around the world. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum

The United States has steadfastly refused to join the global alliance that wants to ensure a fair distribution of corona vaccines.

The United States has reserved hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines from various suppliers to insure Americans. At the same time, they are abandoning the COVAX global vaccine alliance, which will prevent rich countries from getting vaccinated first, while poor countries will be left without it.

Norway must remain in front of fair share work. Erna Solberg would also like the United States to join.

– Are you disappointed that the United States is not participating in COVAX?

– Yes, I wish the United States had participated in international work related to vaccine development and financing for poor countries, Prime Minister Erna Solberg tells VG.

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According to the Washington Post, one of the reasons the United States refuses is that the World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the work.

“The United States will continue to engage our international partners to combat the virus, but we will not be limited by multilateral organizations affected by the corrupt WHO and China,” White House spokesman Judd Deree said of the decision. Washington Post.

The United States was also criticized for being unsympathetic when it acquired much of the production of the potential crown drug Remdesivir.

Erna Solberg points out that the US decision weakens the global alliance.

– So I record that even if the US does not participate in COVAX, they provide financial support to several of the implementing partners, eg. Eg GAVI. So I perceive that the United States continues to participate, but since they do not want to participate in the measures of the World Health Organization, they weaken it a bit, Solberg tells VG.

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More than 200 vaccine candidates are currently being developed worldwide, but few of them are likely to be successful. The Norwegian government does not negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies, as the United States does.

  • What does it mean to join COVAX? The fact that Norway has joined COVAX means that if one of the vaccines the alliance is focusing on really succeeds and works against the crown, Norway will have access to the doses. But COVAX will also distribute doses to low- and middle-income countries that cannot afford them themselves.
  • Betting on the EU alliance: Norway is part of an EU alliance that will pre-order doses of several candidate vaccines. So far, 12 candidates are relevant to Norway through the EU alliance and the COVAX global alliance.

– How do you see the possibility of the world getting a fair distribution of vaccines?

– Much work is being done to achieve a fairer distribution of vaccines. But we cannot achieve a completely fair distribution of vaccines. Because there are some countries that have higher production in their country and they will make sure they have better coverage in their country, responds Erna Solberg.

Three vaccines have already been approved without having been tested in large groups of people: two Chinese and one Russian.

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