Too early to raise British ancestry – VG


At 8pm Sunday night, Boris Johnson laid out the plan to gradually reopen the country. Despite the UK having the highest death toll in Europe, the prime minister says the country’s closure “has prevented a disaster.”

On Sunday night, Boris Johnson gave a televised speech in which he presented plans to gradually ease the crown’s measures in the country.

Despite the UK having the highest death toll in Europe as a result of the corona virus, Johnson says the country’s closure “has prevented a disaster.”

In addition to the changes, Johnson announced the introduction of a five-tier alarm system, where tier one is virus-free and tier five is the most severe. The UK is currently at level four.

The British Prime Minister said he would go into more detail in Parliament on Monday.

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The country’s closure will last until June 1, with some changes:

– Unlimited outdoor training will be legal starting Monday. To date, only one daily workout has been allowed.

– You will be allowed to be outdoors with your own family.

– Garden centers may open, while there will still be guidelines for other stores.

– Stores and schools can open from June 1st. There will be a gradual opening of schools in England, where grades 1-6 are the first to drop out.

– Starting Monday, everyone who cannot work from home is encouraged to go to work.

– Accommodations, restaurants and pubs will be open in early July.

– People who come to the country will be quarantined for two weeks.

– Recommended use of mouthwash.

– Higher fines for violating the rules are announced, from £ 60 to £ 100.

A Premier League decision is expected next week.

DON’T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT STARTING: British newspapers wrote before Sunday’s speech that the British government is considering launching the Premier League in late June, but Boris Johnson did not mention it in the speech. Photo: PHIL NOBLE / REUTERS / NTB scanpix

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Johnson has previously stated that the corona virus is the UK’s biggest challenge since World War II. He himself became seriously ill as a result of the virus. He himself has said that “it could have gone both ways.” He was hospitalized for a week, where he received intensive care.

Johnson, however, has no plans to rush into Britain’s reopening.

– This is not the time to lift the closure. We should take cautious first steps to adapt our measures, the British Prime Minister said in the televised address.

It received strong criticism

The Prime Minister has previously been criticized for how he has handled the crown pandemic.

Johnson abandoned the first five crown briefings and wanted to keep the community open for immunity from the batch. He continued to greet people until the end of March.

On March 27, nine days after Johnson changed course and entered lockdown and social distance orders, the news came that the prime minister was infected with the crown virus.

“The Corona virus: the 38 days Britain fell asleep in the disaster” is the title of a case in the English newspaper The Times.

The newspaper writes that “the failure of February may have cost thousands of lives.”

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