– Time to step out of the shadows – VG


ANONYMOUS: Miles Taylor (left), here in a March 2019 photo when he was Chief of the National Security Cabinet. Photo: ERIN SCHAFF, THE NEW YORK TIMES / NTB

The book “The Warning” was published in 2019, signed by an anonymous author and reproduced supposed results of everyday situations in the White House. Now the author stands up and encourages others to do the same.

On Wednesday, nearly a year after launch, security adviser Miles Taylor reveals Twitter behind the book “The warning”.

In the book, she described White House situations, where Trump, among other things, lashed out at racist outbursts and portrayals of strongly condescending women.

Taylor has previously been the Chief of Staff of the US Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security.

Trump: – I never heard of him.

– Donald Trump is a man without character. That’s why I wrote ‘The Warning’, and that’s why my colleagues and I have been against it for months. It’s time for everyone to step out of the shadows, he writes.

In a sentence Taylor explains that he chose to remain anonymous to prevent the president from having a person to attack, but instead had to defend himself against the accusations.

– Who is Miles Taylor? He said he was anonymous, but I don’t know him, and I’ve never heard from him, Trump wrote on Twitter after the disclosure.

Donald Trump describes the case as a “New York Times scam” and says that everyone who has been involved in the “fraud” should be “kicked, punished and shamed.”

Then-White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said in a press release that the author did not dare to appear with his full name, as the book was nothing more than a lie.

He urged the press to treat the book as it is: “a pure invention.”

Now, however, Taylor has chosen to feature her name, hoping to inspire other members of the administration to submit their stories.

– More than two years ago, I had one anonymous chronicle printed in The New York Times. The president commented on it briefly on Twitter with the statement “TREATMENT?” Says Taylor.

– We do not owe the president our silence. We owe him and the American people the truth.

Supposedly he woke up “in a panic”

Taylor said in “The Warning” that senior administration officials “were woken up in panic” by the president’s statements on Twitter.

“It’s like showing up at the nursing home in the morning and finding your elderly uncle running around the backyard with no pants on, swearing by canteen food, while concerned employees try to get hold of him,” he wrote.

ELECTION CAMPAIGN: Donald Trump during an election campaign rally in Bullhead City, Arizona on Wednesday. Photo: JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERS

He also said that Donald Trump has made fun of people for their weight and appearance.

“I have been sitting in unpleasant silence while talking about the appearance or behavior of women. He comments on makeup. He makes jokes about weight. He criticizes clothes. He questions how tough the women around him are,” it was said in ” The warning “.

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