This may be Trump’s ultimate goal – VG


POWER: The Supreme Court of the United States is located in this building in Washington, DC Photo: ERIC WESTAT / AFP

The Trump campaign is trying to question the election results and has initiated several lawsuits. The goal is enough to end up in the Supreme Court, experts believe.

President Donald Trump continues to insist that he won the election, even though incumbent President Joe Biden was named the winner.

The Trump campaign has initiated several lawsuits in the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona. The lawsuits relate mainly to the validity of postal votes, differences in postal ballot collection systems and counts.

Read about all the lawsuits: Fighting in six states

The strategy seems more inclined to cast enough doubt on the outcome of judges being able to prevent states from ratifying them, according to former Republican, lawyer and CNN commentator Ben Ginsberg.

– I suspect that the dream of the Trump campaign is to take all these cases, which have never been legally considered, to the Supreme Court, he says.

– That’s probably what you expect, but I don’t think it will work. But it all depends on what kind of rules you think have been broken, explains associate professor Sondre Torp Helmersen from the Tromsø University School of Law.

It says that if Trump and his campaign believe that state laws have been violated, it must be decided at the state level.

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To get all the way in the Supreme Court, you must find crimes that are federal or that violate the Constitution.

– You can certainly find accusations about it, but it doesn’t seem very plausible that something like this happened, believes Torp Helmersen.

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– The Supreme Court only accepts cases that are difficult to decide. Here, either there have been infractions of the rules that make it necessary to recount, or there have been no infractions and then the election is over, he says.

The most controversial US election in recent memory has been the 2000 election so far. At that time, Democrat Al Gore lost to Republican George W. Bush, following a referendum and litigation that reached the Supreme Court. Then there were less than 500 votes in the state of Florida.

The current situation is completely different, says Torp Helmersen.

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– In this year’s elections, there is a much larger margin and more states involved. For the Supreme Court to be involved here, something must have gone terribly wrong, and there has been no evidence of that.

Because even though the president has managed to secure a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, it is not certain that the case will end up on his table.

– I doubt the Supreme Court will accept it at all. They must have a legal basis to address it, and so far it has not been presented, says Torp Helmersen.

DOUBT: President Donald Trump denies losing the presidential election. Photo: Chris Kleponis / POOL / CNP POOL

Trump’s claims that he won the election and that there was voter fraud probably have another reason as well, he adds.

– Trump’s goal is for everyone to wonder if Biden has lost the election, and then he will doubt and mistrust the entire electoral system. That’s what he does. The more you think there may be something in what he says, the more you get involved in his game.

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