This is what the inside of the White House looks like – VG


SANITIZE: Here is the press room and the president’s lectern being washed. Photo: KEN CEDENO / POOL / POLARIS POOL

Donald and Melania Trump are now in the residential wing of the White House, where isolation has been arranged. The two must remain in isolation until at least October 12, if they are to follow the guidelines.

From night to Tuesday, Norwegian time, the US president left Walter Reed Hospital, where he is hospitalized with corona infection from night until Saturday. In a video posted shortly after returning home, Trump repeated the statement he made early Monday, urging Americans not to be afraid of the virus.

“FEEL TOP” the president tweeted in big letters from the White House Tuesday afternoon.

President Donald Trump says he has no symptoms of Covid-19, according to a statement from his personal physician Sean Conley.

“Vital signs and physical exams are stable,” Trump’s doctor reported Tuesday night Norwegian time.

White House employees tell the New York Times that Trump’s voice is louder, but that he still sounds breathless from time to time.

Just two days earlier, on Sunday, it was announced that Trump was being treated with the steroid dexamethasone, which is reserved for severely ill corona patients.

– Folketomt

In the White House they have prepared to receive the president, who according to the calculations of the health authorities is still contagious.

According to employees the New York Times has spoken to, the West Wing is now virtually empty, with several employees being sick or working from home due to infection.

Employees in the residential wing where Melania and Donald Trump are located wear full protective gear – yellow suits, surgical masks and visors, they write.

Images from the west wing show cleaners in white protective suits disinfecting the press room and outdoor areas. A significant number of staff and reporters who have been present The White House has tested positive for the coronavirus in recent days.

Arrangements have been made for the president to isolate himself in the residential wing of the White House and not in the west wing, where many employees are working. An office for Trump has been made clear at the residence, but it is not known whether the president will remain there in the future, WSJ writes.

Get an overview: The blast in the White House.

Own medical unit

Despite the fact that Trump has been discharged from the hospital, he will continue to receive treatment and medication, but then in the medical unit of the White House, which has 24 hours a day with doctors, nurses, assistants and logists.

On Tuesday night, the president was scheduled to receive the fifth and final dose of the antiviral drug Remdesivir, in addition to the steroid dexamethasone, among other preparations.

“He will be surrounded by world-class medical treatment,” Trump’s personal physician Sean Conley said at a news conference after his discharge.

According to Voice of america There are about 30 health workers in the medical center. These are always available to the president and his immediate family.

They can do everything from simple treatment as a routine check-up to resuscitation. In more serious cases, they will work to stabilize the patient and send him to the hospital as soon as possible.

MEDICAL UNIT: The White House Medical Unit is used for most medical treatments and check-ups, including testing by crown reporters before attending press conferences. Photo: Scanpix


What the president’s doctors haven’t said is what infection control measures have been put in place to protect the many White House employees. From flower decorators to secretaries to cleaners to guards, there are typically around a hundred employees who can potentially get in touch with the crown-infected Trump now that he’s home, writes Town & Country.

AT THE HOSPITAL The White House released this image while Trump was in the hospital, showing him in one of the hospital’s conference rooms. Photo: The White House

It is also not known whether the president, who has repeatedly mocked people who wear masks, has vowed to take any form of precaution to avoid infection, the news agency reports. AP.

On Sunday, Trump decided that he should be driven in a car outside the hospital to greet supporters, which meant an increased risk of infection for drivers and security personnel.

The first lady remains isolated

First lady Melania Trump is also in the White House. She has isolated herself after testing positive for the coronavirus and did not visit the president while she was hospitalized. According to NBC, she did not want to expose others to the risk of infection. CNN sources confirmed that she will remain in the housing wing of the White House during her illness. Monday tweeted Melania who “feels good and continues to rest at home”.

The son of the presidential couple, Barron, recently tested negative for the coronavirus, so it is reasonable to believe that parents are now taking precautions to avoid further infection.

EQUIPMENT: A White House staff member in protective gear holds the door open for the President as he leaves Walter Reed Hospital. Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst

Isolated for at least a week

After the helicopter landed with Donald Trump on the lawn in front of the White House Tuesday morning, the president climbed onto the first-floor balcony where employees had placed several American flags.

Here the president took off his bandage.

Then, he entered the White House, where several employees stayed, he writes the AP news agency.

HE REMOVED THE MASK: One of the first things Trump did when he arrived at the White House was remove his mask before entering. Photo: Reuters / Erin Scott

On Thursday afternoon, Trump launched a Twitter message where he compared the corona pandemic to the common flu. A message that Twitter decided to hide and Facebook deleted.

The United States is the country most affected by Covid-19, with more than 210,900 deaths and 7.5 million infected. Last season, the flu caused a comparison of 24,000 to 62,000 deaths in the United States, official figures show according to the BBC.

Will participate in the debate

Going forward, the president must remain isolated and wear a mask if he wants to follow CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) rules.

Isolation in the home involves minimal contact with other people. For Trump, this will mean he won’t be able to hold face-to-face meetings or attend any election campaign events for at least another week.

Spokespersons for the Trump campaign say he plans to participate in the next and second major presidential debate against Joe Biden, which is on October 15.

Biden says he will debate Trump “if the doctors say it’s safe and the distances are justifiable,” writes CBS.

It was on Friday, October 2, that the White House Chief of Staff claimed that Trump had developed mild symptoms of the coronavirus. According to the CDC, you should remain in isolation until at least ten days have passed since you experienced the first symptoms of the coronavirus, if you have not had a fever in the last 24 hours and other symptoms have improved.

If he wants to play by the rules, Trump must remain isolated until October 12 at the earliest. Then there are three weeks until the US presidential election.

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