This is how the Swedish authorities explain the high mortality rates – VG


HIGH DEATH: In Berga, 27 of the 96 residents have died from the coronavirus. Sweden is much more affected than neighboring countries. Photo: Pontus Orre, VG

The death toll in Sweden is much higher than in neighboring countries. Swedes are now investigating why this is so.

In Sweden, 2,679 people died from the corona virus on Monday. There are approximately three times as many crowned deaths combined for neighboring countries Norway, Denmark, and Finland, where a total of 2,781 people have died.

Sweden has 26.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, while Norway has 3.9, Denmark 8.4 and Finland has 4.2.

For Swedish news agency TT, state epidemiologist Anders Wallensten explains why Sweden is so badly affected.

– very unhappy

He believes the main explanation is that the infection entered the first Swedish homes.

– It is very unfortunate that there has been a great spread of infection there. We are investigating what has gone wrong, what can be done better, and how more support is needed to remedy this, he says.

He believes that a lot of effort is needed to keep the infection out of nursing homes such as nursing homes and points out that it is a shared responsibility to do exactly that.

– But as I said, it is too early to say exactly what went wrong this time. We review it and explain it during the week, he says.

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MUST SEE: State epidemiologist Anders Wallensten at a press conference in late April. Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT News Agency

He doesn’t have figures on what the spread of the infection looks like in nursing homes now.

Many are infected

Unlike neighboring countries, Sweden did not close in mid-March. The ban on visits to Swedish nursing homes was first introduced in early April. Stockholm imposed a ban on visiting homes on March 18.

In Sweden, a third of nursing homes in the country have been confirmed or suspected. In Stockholm alone, 29 coronary infections have been detected in 29 nursing homes.

In Norway, just under two-thirds of deaths have occurred in institutions such as nursing homes and nursing homes. A total of 127 of 213 coronary deaths have occurred in such institutions.

Not oblique

A total of 22,317 people have been confirmed infected in our neighboring country.

Last week, it became known that infection rates were declining in Sweden. Since April 21, Sweden’s breeding figures are below one. Reproduction figures describe how many people an infected person spends on average.

“It is not going up anyway, and with this disease you can see if it is a positive sign,” said state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

In Norway, the reproduction figure is estimated at 0.68.

A field hospital in Stockholm was recently opened after several deaths. This accommodates 140 intensive care patients. At the same time, it became clear that the nurses’ regular working hours were increased to 48 hours a week to cope with the crown crisis facing the country.

Tegnell previously said he is unsure of the Swedish strategy.

– How convinced are you that Sweden has chosen the right path?

– I’m not convinced at all. We are constantly thinking about it, here at the public health authorities. What can we do better, what can we ignite? We must do it because new information and new challenges constantly arise, he replied.

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