These are the leaks before the revised national budget – E24


The government has already spent NOK 140 billion on financial measures before the revised national budget is released on Tuesday. These are some of the measures to come.

On Tuesday, Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) will present the government’s revised national budget. Here Sanner and Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) during a press conference on March 10.

Olav Olsen


On Tuesday, the government presents a revised national budget, and it will be of a single type.

The backdrop is a zero policy rate, 260,000 crisis packages established and adopted by hundreds of billions.

The Government has already spent NOK 140 billion on financial measures and NOK 100 billion on loan guarantees over the 2020 budget, before the revised national budget (GNI).

Furthermore, the budget weakens by NOK 60 billion in lost tax revenue and higher national insurance expenses.

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Here are the “leaks”

But something is also the same as before: the faith of tradition has “leaked” several of the elements of the revised budget in recent days and weeks.

Among other things, it was known on Friday that the government grants an additional NOK 300 million to Nysnø Climate Investment.

– We are committed to keeping pace with green change. We want the public to help private investors continue to invest in sustainable companies. When we now add NOK 300 million, Nysnø received NOK 1 billion in 2020, Business Minister Iselin Nybø (V) told Aftenbladet / E24.

Here are the other articles the government presents on Tuesday:

The airports: By Monday afternoon, it was clear, among other things, that airports will receive NOK 5 billion to cover lost revenue and avoid complete stops at major developments.

– The crisis package enters the revised national budget on Tuesday, confirms Transport Minister Knut Arild Hareide (KrF) against NRK.

The oil industry: Tomorrow, at the same time as GNI, a special crisis package for the oil industry will also be presented. According to the government, the deferred tax could improve the liquidity of companies by NOK 100 billion.

package companies: A billion dollar solution to help package companies overcome the crisis and recover money from their customers.

– From the beginning we announced that we would like to make sure that companies, which are in a demanding situation, pay. At the same time, we see that the prospects for people who want to book the charter trip now are not very great, Children and Family Minister Kjell Ingolf Ropstad said at the government press conference on Thursday.

exporters: The government will allocate NOK 20 billion to ensure internal trade and exports of seafood and industrial products.

– It is important for the Norwegian economy that trade is as normal as possible. I am pleased that we now have a scheme that ensures that Norwegian industry players can strengthen themselves during a period of great uncertainty in the market, “says Business Minister Iselin Nybø.

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Billions for public transportation.

public transport: In addition to the billion already adopted, a rescue package of NOK 1.5 billion comes in GNI, according to Dagbladet.

According to Olov Grøtting, general manager of the Public Transport Association, public transport companies face a loss of revenue of NOK 4.5 billion from May to the end of 2019. In addition, 1.5 billion leads to increased transportation-related expenses school.

Culture and sport.: The crisis package for culture, sports and voluntary activities will extend from NOK 1 to 1.6 billion and will apply from March 12 to June 15.

The scheme was initially limited to the period from March 5 to April 30. The extended scheme, to be unveiled by RNB on Tuesday, will apply throughout the period that there has been an event ban.

Housing education and support.

Nav: Awarded NOK 700 million in increased funds for operations to deal with increased burden during the crown pandemic, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) revealed on Friday.

Just before Easter, Nav received NOK 200 million.

education: In RNB there is also an educational package of 500 million and 4,000 new places of study.

“We must ensure that more people who have been laid off or unemployed can also strengthen their skills to make them stronger in working life in the future,” Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) told NTB on Monday.

Housing allowance: The Government grants an additional NOK 500 million for housing support through the Housing Bank. Therefore, more support is received and today’s recipients receive more per month.

New receivers will receive an average of NOK 900 per month on average, while existing receivers will receive an additional NOK 600, the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization wrote in a press release last week.

Children and media

Children and youth: The government awards NOK 400 million to help vulnerable children and youth after school closes. 170 million will go to measures at the school to recover the progression of missed studies.

It is up to the municipalities how the money will be spent.

– We have been very concerned about vulnerable children all the time. We know that many people are having a hard time before, and this situation is exacerbating it, “Children and Family Minister Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF) told NRK on Wednesday.

The media industry: Culture and Equality Minister Abid Raja also presented a 300 million crisis package for the media industry on Wednesday. Raja presented the crisis package in his digital speech to the media industry during the Nordic media days. The purpose of the scheme is to help the media maintain business both during and after the crown crisis.

– The media is in a difficult situation. The news is read like never before, but infection control measures have greatly affected business, which in turn affects the media industry in the advertising market. Residents’ need for information is very high, and the media have done a fantastic job of informing and informing us, asking critical questions on behalf of the entire population, Raja said, according to VG.

Other leaks:

* 180 million to cover the current debt obligations of poor countries and free up funds for the coronary response.

* 140 million for digital education at school, among other things to strengthen education at home.

* 102 million for the World Bank Development Fund for the poorest countries (IDA).

* 50 million forestry action package.

* 14 million to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority and 1 million to the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority to follow the new rules for recruiting labor.

* The foundation of the Gestapo Museum has increased its support from 1 to 2 million.

* Courts receive NOK 35 million for digitization.

* NOK 15.6 million for the Gjellestadskipet archaeological excavation in Halden.

* The government will spend an additional NOK 100 million to dispose of cargo ships over 30 years old, according to Teknisk Ukeblad.

* Siva in Trondheim receives an additional grant of NOK 40 million to help innovation companies overcome the virus crisis, writes Adresseavisen.

Source: NTB
