– These are not protesters, but national terrorists – VG


WHITE PLAINS (VG) Despite being asked by both the Wisconsin Governor and the Mayor of Kenosha not to do so, fearing an escalation of the conflict, Donald Trump is now in the city where Jacob Blake was shot by police seven times from behind nine days ago.

But Trump hasn’t heard the calls. During his visit to the city, where a curfew has now been introduced after dark and local shops and businesses have covered their windows with chipboard, the president has visited a furniture store that was hit by the riots that have occurred. in Kenosha after Jacob. Blake, who is black, was shot by the police.

– We had an amazing tour. We are here to show our support for Kenosha and Wisconsin. We are in favor of this, said Trump, who promised that the government will help rebuild the businesses of those who have destroyed them, as he opened a round table with members of his own administration and local leaders and businessmen after the tour.

He took a hard line against those behind the destruction.

“These are not protesters, but national terrorists,” the president said.

Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian has previously noted that the vast majority of protesters have behaved peacefully, but that there have been people who are not residents of the state, and that it is these who have created riots with right-wing counter-protesters.

– Under enormous pressure

Trump also met with local police and the National Guard, whom he praised for putting out a fantastic effort. He also said authorities are willing to use whatever force they believe is necessary to stop the unrest.

– We must help them (police journaln.anm.) To do their job. We cannot threaten them. We must condemn the dangerous anti-police rhetoric. There are some bad apples. We know, but we’ll take care of them. There are people who are under enormous pressure. They may have done everything according to the book for 15 years, then suddenly they have to make a decision in a split second. It can cause them to die or be in trouble. Many of them do not make the right decision. It’s tremendously difficult, said the president, who was probably referring to the cops who shot Jacob Blake.

In recent months, following the police murder of George Floyd, another black man, there have been demonstrations across the United States due to what many Americans see as structured racism within the police force. Statistics show that the police kill a higher percentage of blacks than white Americans.

Does not know the family

During his visit to Kenosha, Trump will not meet with the Blake family, who at the same time as Trump was heading to the city held an event in the city where they called non-violent demonstrations and asked the president to work to unite, not divide, to the country.

He said, however, that he feels very sorry for everyone who has to go through what they are going through now.

– An investigation is ongoing. I hope they give the correct answer, but it is complicated, said the president.

After meeting with Kenosha police, Trump answered some questions from the media, but when asked by a reporter what he meant to comment from Jacob Blake’s family that the president’s policy leads to more racial conflict, he agreed. turned around and stopped the session without responding.

– We don’t need any more pain and division caused by a president seeking to promote his presidential campaign at the expense of our city, Justin Blake, Jacob Blake’s uncle, said at the family event.

While Trump is in Kenosha, both Black Lives Matter protesters and Trump supporters have turned up in downtown.

BURNED: This is what this furniture store in Kenosha looked like after someone lit it up during the riots that have taken place in the city. Photo: TANNEN MAURY / EPA


The shots that hit Blake have paralyzed him from the waist down. It was after videos of the shooting episode were announced that the demonstrations began in Kenosha. According to Mayor Antaramian, most of the locals have held peaceful demonstrations, while people who have arrived from other states have been behind the violent riots.

Right-wing counter-protesters also appeared in the city after Blake was shot. Many of them equipped with automatic weapons. Everything took a fatal turn in the end.

A 17-year-old is charged with murder after two people were shot to death during demonstrations on Tuesday. It is said that he armed himself and left the neighboring state in order to “protect the city” from protesters. In an interview with Fox News on Monday, the 17-year-old’s lawyer claimed he fired in self-defense.

Credit is taken for the governor’s decision

Just before leaving for Kenosha on Tuesday, the president, who has been criticized for rather than calming spirits, helped feed them, to questions from the press. There, Trump affirmed that he has managed to calm the situation by sending the National Guard.

– The National Guard put out the flame as soon as they arrived. Kenosha would have been burned to the ground by now if we hadn’t entered the city, said Trump, also referring to those who have spoken out against police violence by “bad people.”

But the fact is that it was not the president who called the National Guard. That’s what the Democratic governor of Wisconsin did.

In his nomination speech at the Republican National Convention last week, Trump said the violence takes place primarily in cities run by Democrats, and that a United States under rival Joe Biden will mean more of this. In a speech Monday, Biden himself said otherwise. He noted that violence is happening now, under President Trump.

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