There will be crown measures until 2021


On Monday, pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Biontech arrived with the good news that their coronary vaccine, which is currently being tested, appears to have an effect against the virus.

Røttingen describes the results of the Biontech trial as “promising” but emphasizes that we still have to wait for the vaccine to be approved.

It further explains that all vaccines must be approved by the European health authorities before they are used in Norway. After that, enough vaccines must be produced so that the Norwegian population can also be vaccinated.

Vaccine Maker: – Life returns to normal next winter

– Realistically, we can start with the Norwegian vaccination during March-April.

– When will we notice the full effect of the vaccination?

– It will take time. I absolutely believe that we must continue with the infection control measures that we have today, until we have vaccinated a large enough group. By the end of 2021, we will be able to reduce infection control measures further and return to normal conditions, says Røttingen.

According to Biontech

Therefore, he has the same visions for 2021 as Biontech founder Uğur Şahin.

In an interview with the BBC, he also said that the world will return to normal next winter.

Like Røttingen, he believes that it will be a while before one sees the effect of having started vaccination.

– Summer will help us, because then there will be fewer people infected by the virus. The most important thing is that we get a high degree of vaccination by the fall / winter of next year, says the founder of Biontech.


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) maintains that the vaccine could be approved in early 2021.

This is the chart that gives Europe new hope

Steinar Madsen, medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, has also previously said that we may have a European approval of the Pfizer vaccine ready by the end of the month between January and February.

The vaccine race

According to The New York Times’ ongoing vaccine review, there are now ten vaccines that have reached phase three of the studies.

The American company of Modern biotechnology is one of the companies that works with a vaccine. Their vaccine is based on the same technology as the Pfizer and Biontech vaccine. Moderna has stated that they believe they will receive an emergency approval in the United States in December.

The Astra Zeneca vaccine has been widely debated in Norway and many have assumed that they have been at the forefront of the vaccine race.

Astra Zeneca is also in phase three of the study and is about to be approved at the same time that Pfizer’s vaccine receives its approval.
