– There may be some fun throughout the fall – VG


SOLO RACE: Jakob Ingebrigtsen (20) set a tour record at Fana Stadium when he won his fourth consecutive NM gold in the 1500 meters on Saturday. On Sunday he will run the 800 final of the Bergen championship. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen

BERGEN (VG) Jakob Ingebrigtsen (20) thinks it’s good to finish the season on the track now, “as it has been”. But he and the coach, father Gjert Ingebrigtsen (54), agree that his desire to compete is so strong that there may even be “some fun” after dark.

– Now he is so good, muscular and physical, that to hide him would be almost sacrilege, said Gjert Ingebrigtsen in the press area at Fana Stadium on Saturday after Jakob Ingebrigtsen lowered the field record of 1500 meters in the final solitary majesty – and shortly before claiming victory in his 800-meter tie.

The NM final in that distance will take place on Sunday 2:20 pm and will be broadcast on NRK. The women’s 800 final begins five minutes later, with Hedda Hynne (30) as clear favorite. On Saturday, he lowered the field record by 95/100, to a strong 2.01.08 in qualifying.

Cushion can receive the Copa del Rey with that result. Gjert Ingebrigtsen does not think that Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s 3.33.93 in the 1500 meters has the same appreciation.

– Normally, 3.33 is not enough, he says.

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On the other hand, he’s brilliantly pleased with what yesterday’s birthday boy accomplished during the crown-amputated 2020 season on the field. However, when asked if he is surprised, he clearly answers that he is not. He believes that the consequences of the crown have to do with the fact that Jakob Ingebrigtsen, among other things, broke just over a month ago the dream limit of 1,500 meters and set a European distance record in Monaco.

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– That we can “keep” this crown for a while longer and he will be able to train well for a while longer; has had extreme continuity in training. I think this is the first time in his life that he has been healthy for a year, says Gjert Ingebrigtsen.

INFECTION PROTECTION: Gjert Ingebrigtsen at Fana Stadium during NM in athletics. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen

– He recovers enormously quickly. In terms of championships, it is gold. So you can go with all the time, he adds.

He says they will start over, then start training, starting October 5.

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– But it’s competitive. You should not overlook the fact that there may be two or three street races. “We have toyed with the idea of ​​the WC half marathon in Poland (October 17) a bit, but we have not received an invitation,” says Gjert Ingebrigtsen jokingly.

– There may well be some fun throughout the fall, he says.

Jakob Ingebrigtsen says that what has driven and motivated him this non-championship season “has been running fast.”

– Usually it’s about running fast and doing well in championships. What drives me is to run fast and hopefully run faster than people have done before. I’ve done it to some extent this year. But it’s still possible to run faster, at 1,500 meters and other distances, says Jakob Ingebrigtsen.

– Are you happy that the season is over?

– In a way, it’s good to end the season as it has been. It is strange that it ends without a single championship. In that sense, it has been a strange season, he responds.

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– Your father expresses a kind of surprise that you recover so quickly. Are you surprised at yourself?

– No, I know myself quite well. I don’t have much to compare myself to, I can only compare myself to myself. And I feel that everything is in line with what I did before and what is the condition now, he replies.

Nor is he surprised (“no, not at all”) that his 1500 meters on Saturday went as fast as they did. He didn’t know what Bernard Lagat’s current record was and that he had deleted it. When asked about “the rest of the fall,” he replies that he can “jump into other careers.”

– Avoid exercising. If it fits, I like to run races, says Jakob Ingebrigtsen.

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