– There is no evidence that the virus was produced in a Chinese laboratory.


Contagion expert Anthony Fauci, who has been with United States President Donald Trump during White House coronavirus updates day after day, tells The National Geographic that
He does not believe that the virus is produced in a Chinese laboratory.

Rejects laboratory theory

For the newspaper, he mentions the discussion that has been going on lately, and which has also been raised by both Trump and his chancellor, as “circular reasoning.”

– If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what’s out there, the scientific evidence is very strong against the fact that this is neither artificial nor purposefully developed, he says.

– Everything about gradual evolution over time strongly indicates that this virus evolved in the wild and then jumped into another species, he says.

Nor does he believe that someone has found the virus in the wild, and that it has been transported to a laboratory, and then accidentally lost.

The White House has stated that the amount of evidence that the virus originated in a laboratory located 13 kilometers from the market where the virus has been previously tracked has recently increased. United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did not file any
Evidence when he stated this over the weekend.

Trump: – I can’t say

According to Pompeo, Americans are denied access to the laboratory. When asked why he was so confident in his case, he said:

– I can not tell you. I’m not allowed to tell you that, writes AP.

According to The Guardian, various network intelligence sources have Five Eyes,
An alliance between the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada indicated that they also consider the theory of this White House improbable.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also previously stated that there is no evidence for the theory.

– From our perspective, this is highly speculative. But, like all evidence-focused organizations, we are very willing to have all the information that can show where the virus originated, says WHO crisis chief Michael Ryan.

– If such data and evidence is available, it is up to the US authorities to decide if and when it can be shared. But it is difficult for WHO to work in an information vacuum, he says.

Fear a new wave of infection

For the newspaper, infection protection expert Fauci says what he fears most now is that there will be a new wave of infection this fall, if the United States fails to reduce the infection rate before summer.

“It is embarrassing if we are not able to test enough for a new outbreak in the fall or winter,” he says.

– I do not think there is a possibility that this virus will disappear. It will be here, and if it has a chance, it will reappear, he says.

So far, more than 3.5 million people have been infected with the virus, according to the Johns Hopkins University survey, more than 1.2 million of them in the United States.
