The worst support of Aps in more than two years: loses voters to the conservatives – VG


NOT THE BIGGEST: During the national meeting in September last year, the Labor Party was the biggest party on the party barometer. Now leaders Jonas Gahr Støre and Kjersti Stenseng are under the Conservatives. Photo: Trond Solberg

The Labor Party takes its worst measurement on the VG party barometer since June 2018. But it is still time for a change of government.

On the VG party barometer for October, the Labor Party receives 22.7 percent support. Thus, the party continues with the decline it has had since last summer.

Since June 2018 there has been VGs party barometer is shown below 23 percent for Labor.

Most voters have lost to each of the red-green coalition parties Senterpartiet and SV, but roughly the same number have changed their political color.

In this poll, they lose 31,000 votes to the Conservatives. It’s serious for the Labor Party, says Johan Giertsen, behind the Poll-of-polls website. He is a law professor at NHH and is himself a member of the Conservative Party.

– There are bigger losses than before. This year it started with the Labor Party winning Conservative Party voters, then has stabilized after the corona infection hit. They are now in red. It’s serious because it’s a block transition, says Giertsen.

This means that they have not only lost votes for themselves, the Conservative government has also grown stronger. In this way, each vote in practice counts twice.

Almost most in the Storting

In line with other opinion polls in recent months, there is a change of government if the course continues.

In the October poll, the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party now receive 81 seats in the Storting. The current government gets 72 seats, when the FRP participates with its 21.

– With this survey, it is likely that there will be a change of government, but the three red-green parties will depend on the MDGs or the Red one. That trend hasn’t changed, says Giertsen.

See the development over time on VG’s party barometer.

BELOW: Hadia Tajik, Jonas Gahr Støre and Kjersti Stenseng must set the course before the 2021 parliamentary elections. Photo: Roald, Berit / NTB scanpix

Workmanship: – Great work ahead

There is a lot to do before the Storting elections in a year, admits party secretary Kjersti Stenseng in the Labor Party.

– It will be a great job ahead. We will use all our efforts in the future to ensure safe jobs across the country, reduce the differences between people and strengthen the welfare state, says Stenseng in an SMS to VG.

Yesterday, former Labor politician Geir Lippestad launched a new party. Today, one of the clearest profiles of the Labor Party in the Storting, Jan Bøhler, has passed to the Center Party.

The party secretary chooses to focus on the positive point of the poll.

– There is still a majority that wants a new government and a new direction for the country. If we want to achieve a change of government, a strong Labor Party is needed, Stenseng writes.

KrF and Venstre have more on the fence

Red changes the boundary of the barrier with its 4.3 percent in this measure. The Green Party remains stable, with 4.5 percent.

Therefore, both parties are on track to win eight seats in the Storting Hall.

At the same time, the Liberal Party and KrF are fighting to get their voters off the fence, to save them over the limit of the barrier.

While the Liberal Party quickly broke the threshold in the September poll, both parties are now below.

More than a quarter of voters from both parties say they are now unsure why they will vote in the next election. They constitute a large enough pool of voters for parties to bypass, says Giertsen.

– It will be of great importance how many of the fence assistants they manage to mobilize. These are voters who have not gone to other parties, they are the easiest to recover, says Giertsen.

While the Liberal Party has by far the biggest leak to the Conservatives, KrF has lost 15 percent of its voters to the Center Party in this poll.

– This is part of the explanation why the Center Party makes it so clear in this poll. And why is this poll one of several showing a change of government? Giertsen says.

See the VG party barometer since 2018:

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