The Worried Child Advocate – – Strikes those who are struggling harder


– I am concerned that the measures we implement reinforce the challenges we already have in society. Those who are already struggling with learning or a difficult home situation will now be strengthened. It is a social responsibility to ensure that this does not happen.

The boy’s advocate, Inga Bejer Engh, tells Dagbladet, as several schools are now moving to the red infection control level. Finally, the secondary schools in Oslo.

Squeeze for the young

Squeeze for the young

Last solution

Last week, the government think tank warned about the consequences of infection control measures in schools and kindergartens. The child advocate was an important voice on the committee.

The group’s conclusion is that closing schools should be the last resort. Other parts of society must first introduce stricter measures to protect children and young people.

When one goes to the step of introducing the red level, Engh worries that it is for a limited period.

– I agree with the expert group that it should only be introduced in schools for 14 days in a row. It should be specified and followed that this should be temporary. After 14 days, a new assessment will be made on whether it is necessary to continue at the red level, he says.

CONCERNED: Ombudsman for Children, Inga Bejer Engh, is concerned about the consequences of strict new infection control measures for children and young people Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

CONCERNED: Ombudsman for Children, Inga Bejer Engh, is concerned about the consequences of strict new infection control measures for children and young people Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB
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– Why?

– It is based on the fact that going from yellow to red carries the risk of limiting the right to education of students. We can’t get a situation where we stay at the red level to be safe or longer than necessary, Engh believes.

He is also concerned that there are good plans for children with special needs and that the quality of education must also be maintained, even if it is adapted to infection control. This also applies to the digital teaching that many are now receiving.

– Big differences

– At the close of this spring, there were big differences between schools in terms of training and follow-up. Some went straight to digital teaching right away, while others simply submitted assignments. We must get even clearer expectations from authorities on the content and quality of digital teaching, Engh believes.

He points out that it makes no sense to simply refer to the curricula.

– In fact, adequate training must also be provided for students to achieve the objectives in them. Unfortunately, I think some students don’t understand it now.

He will not respond if he thinks Oslo is too early to introduce a red level in schools, something for which Councilor Raymond Johansen had to answer at yesterday’s press conference.

Towards the closing of the school: - Disco boom

Towards the closing of the school: – Disco boom

– I do not want to enter into the assessment of each municipality to go from one level to another. But it is important that one continually consider whether it is necessary. Leisure activities should not be closed for longer than is strictly necessary. If the infection situation improves, the measures should be reversed, Engh says, continuing:

– It is important when performing interventions that are so serious as to deprive young people of important settings while having a lot of homeschooling. METERThe young people who enter now are losing their main stages to be with their peers, and I worry about the consequences of that.

These are the new measures in Oslo

  • Prohibition of organized indoor leisure activities for young people from 13 to 19 years old. This means that activities in, for example, choirs, choirs, theater, scouts, dance and organizations must cease. The ban will not apply to children of primary school age.
  • Prohibition of indoor sports in general for young people from 13 to 19 years old. This means that training should cease, for example in soccer, gymnastics, handball, volleyball and athletics. The ban will not apply to children of primary school age or outdoor sports. The ban will also not apply to those who play high-level sports, but are under the age of 20.
  • From yellow to red in infection control measures in lower secondary schools. This means, among other things, that students are divided into smaller cohorts and that contact between the cohorts should be avoided. Attendance restrictions and different student attendance schedules are evaluated from school to school.
  • The ordinary activities of the leisure clubs are closed, as well as the Oslo Cultural School for older primary school students. It will still be possible to have a very limited supply under strict infection control rules with access restrictions, distance rules, group size, and requirements for face masks.

Source: Municipality of Oslo

– you are wrong

The fact that the red level does not automatically mean homeschooling is also important to the ombudsman. In the huge county of Viken, they made the decision to send all the students home.

– It goes wrong. The red level is not the same as all teaching that is done through digital teaching. The authorities have been very clear on this now, and we should be able to expect a follow-up, he says.
