The winning streak continues: Granerud wrote the history of the jump


ENGELBERG / BERGEN (TV 2): Halvor Egner Granerud (24) was in third place after the first round. A comeback of 135.5 meters in the second was enough because Piotr Zyla and Yukiya Sato missed.

Became historical

Thus, the Norwegian has staggeringly won the last five World Cup races. He won 1.7 points ahead of Markus Eisenbichler and Piotr Zyla.

He is the first Norwegian to win five consecutive World Cup races.

– That is incredible. I am speechless about this stability and how good each jump is. It’s not that I get super jumps, they are normal jumps all the time. Normal jumps are sickly good. It feels amazing, says Granerud in the interview with the organizer.

Heading into TV 2, the sensationalist struggles to put his performance into words.

– Absolutely raw! I do not know what to say. It’s just so much fun being me during the day, Granerud tells TV 2.

– Five in a row as the first Norwegian in history. How is it?

– It’s incredibly cool. Yesterday I told VG that these are the history books that athletes dream of. Being able to write in the proud books of Norwegian’s proud history feels great. This is something I am proud of, says Granerud.

Hoppuke’s Favorite

Now, the 24-year-old is the big favorite for what will happen in late December and early January. Then the German-Austrian jumping week awaits, where all eyes will be on Granerud.

– I’ll dream about Oberstdorf tomorrow, says Granerud.

TV 2 jumping expert Tom Hilde was deeply impressed that Granerud managed to recreate the success.

– This is what we have missed in the Norwegian jumps. One that delivers and delivers. Five in a row. Just take off your hat and enjoy, says Hilde.

– It’s the rest of the world against Halvor Egner Granerud in Hoppuka.

His teammate Robert Johansson rose after Saturday’s disappointment with an eleventh place. He enjoyed his own achievement and that of Granerud.

– Now there are people who have to catch Granerud in the history books. It’s quite special, Johansson tells TV 2.

– It’s in absolutely huge shape. You have great control over what you do. He trusts him and therefore offers jump after jump at a very high level.
