The Trump Administration Secret: – Call This A Fad


After US President Donald Trump confirmed he was infected with corona on Friday night, a number of questions have been raised about the information that has come out about the president’s health and when he became infected with corona.

Several unanswered questions remain, and what Trump’s doctor described as a foul during a news conference on Saturday created complete confusion.

I COULD NOT: Donald Trump’s doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, declined to answer whether the president had received oxygen. Video: AP
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When did you test positive?

The doctor, Sean Conley, said for the first time that Trump now had a 72-hour history of the disease. If true, Trump was infected Wednesday. This is at odds with what the White House has said about Trump beginning to feel bad on Thursday.

IN THE SEARCH LIGHT: Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, admitted Sunday that he had spoken too optimistically about Trump’s health the day before. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin AP / NTB
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Shortly after the press conference, there was a clarification from the White House, where it is stated that Conley said wrong, and that what the doctor thought was that the course of the disease was on the third day, and that thus Trump began to feel bad on Thursday.

Associate Professor Hilde Restad at Bjørknes Høyskole tells Dagbladet she would not have been surprised if the White House had kept Trump’s infection hidden.

-Trump and his administration haven’t shown much interest in following infection control rules, so I wouldn’t have been surprised. Not really. Sad to say.

INFECTED: Donald Trump on his way to the Marine One helicopter to be transported to Walter Reed Military Hospital. Photo: Leah Millis / Reuters / NTB
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Did not respond to tests

At the press conference, Conley also did not respond when the president last tested negative for the crown.

– That press conference was a swoon, says American researcher Svein Melby.

He also reacts to the White House’s lack of transparency.

– The status of the infection and the lack of credible information, and in general information on the tracking of the infection. When did the president test positive? Was it Friday or was it earlier? he asks.

- I didn't feel so good

– I didn’t feel so good

Principal Investigator Hilmar Mjelde of the Norce Research Center tells Dagbladet that it is not unusual for American presidents to try to de-dramatize health issues so as not to trigger hasty reactions from the outside world.

– But Saturday’s incident showed the chaos and deception that has characterized the Trump administration for four years. You have the feeling that the wheels are about to fall off Trump’s carriage, says Mjelde.

NEW MEASURES: According to NBC News, the leadership of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has nearly doubled since Tuesday’s debate. Trump supporters who have gathered in front of Walter Reed Military Hospital, however, have little faith in the polls and are still waiting for victory. Video / Reporter: Vegard Kvaale
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Many infected

Svein Melby believes it could be an “ugly case” for Trump if it has been shown that he was diagnosed with the coronavirus in the days before its publication.

In recent days, several people in Trump’s circle of friends have been confirmed to be infected. Many of those infected attended an event in Rosehagen by the White House on Saturday last week.

The event had around 200 participants and there were few infection control considerations to track. Including the president, eight known cases of infection participated in Sunday’s event, and many of them are in Trump’s inner circle.

POPULAR: About 200 people were present in Rosehagen for the White House on Saturday, September 26. Since then, seven participants, in addition to the president himself, have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / AFP / NTB
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– The president has more or less ignored all the infection control rules. Rules that should apply to everyone, and no less should apply to the White House and to Trump, who is the supreme leader of an apparatus that is vital to the country. It should also protect the workforce from infection, says Melby.

– It’s a crisis in itself. If a situation occurs where multiple people are infected and multiple people are quarantined, this has consequences for the entire device.

AT WORK: President Donald Trump at work in one of the conference rooms at Walter Reed Hospital in Maryland, where he has been hospitalized since Saturday night. Photo: Joyce N. Boghosia / The White House / Reuters / NTB
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– Naive to believe in things

Trump and the team around him have previously stated that the president undergoes tests several times a week. Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has said, among other things, that Trump underwent multiple tests a day.

Trump himself disagreed.

– I only know one. I do an average of one test every two, three days, and I can’t think of a time when I’ve taken two tests in one day, but it can happen, Trump said afterward, according to CNN.

Now doctors won’t say when was the last time you tested negative.

– We must never normalize what is an extremely unusual administration. The fact that you don’t feel like you can trust what the White House says, or that you can’t trust what the president says, is pretty new and pretty scary, Hilde Restad thinks.

TRIUMPH: Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said Sunday, September 4, that Trump has had oskygen levels drop twice. He also tried to explain why he didn’t say anything about this the day before.
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She is aware that Trump is not the first president to lie.

– But both he and the administration are in another league, and we must not forget that this is not normal.

– Do you believe in what comes from the White House on health and management?

– No. It is naive to believe in things, says Restad.

- The worst imaginable for Trump

– The worst imaginable for Trump

Did not answer questions about oxygen

On Saturday, Trump’s doctor, Conley, also did not answer whether the president had received oxygen. He was pressured to do so multiple times, responding each time that Trump was not on oxygen. now.

However, according to sources from both the New York Times and the Associated Press, Trump received oxygen at the White House before being transferred to the hospital.

On Sunday, Conley wanted to clarify, he said, and confirmed that Trump had received oxygen twice. Once on Friday and once on Saturday.

Has received oxygen supply

Has received oxygen supply

Conley also provided some kind of explanation as to why he did not respond if the president had received oxygen.

– I tried to reflect the positive attitude of the team, and of the president, about the course of his illness. I didn’t want to come up with any information that might divert the course of the disease in another direction, and in doing so gave the impression that we were trying to hide something, Conley said, before adding that “It wasn’t necessarily true”.
