The Senate approved Amy Coney Barrett as the new Justice of the United States Supreme Court – VG


NEW SUPREME COURT: Amy Coney Barrett at the United States Congress Building on October 21, during a visit to Oklahoma Senator James Lankford. Photo: Leigh Vogel / POOL / EPA

On Tuesday night, Amy Coney Barrett (48) was approved by the Senate as the new Justice of the United States Supreme Court. President Donald Trump has thus obtained an important victory, just eight days before the elections.

After several hearings in the Senate, where Republicans have a majority, it is clear that Catholic law professor Amy Coney Barrett will take over from the late liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg (87).

It passed by 52 to 48 votes and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is scheduled to take the oath in a ceremony at the White House Tuesday night.

“It will be a very nice event,” President Donald Trump told reporters in Pennsylvania on Monday, adding that it wouldn’t be a big celebration.

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With Senate approval, Trump and Republicans have succeeded in their plan to appoint a new judge shortly before the Nov.3 election.

This is the third judge that Trump has been installed on the United States Supreme Court, and thus has made his mark on American society for decades to come, regardless of how the presidential election ends.

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Justices on the United States Supreme Court are serving life sentences, and of the total of nine justices, six are now considered conservatives. In the United States, judges have great power in important social cases, and several controversial issues such as the right to abortion are decided in this court.

Barrett’s Cousin from VG: – I’ve never asked Amy about politics.

«AOC»: – Expand the field

Democrats have opposed the Republicans’ plan to appoint a judge just before the presidential election, and Monday night’s vote was split: Only one Republican senator, Susan Collins of Maine, voted to approve Coney Barrett as the new magistrate of the Supreme Court; otherwise, they all voted with their own party: Democrats against and Republicans in favor.

Amy Coney Barrett herself has made it clear that she will make decisions independently, and not according to what is expected of her. skriver Washington Post.

“I hope that all the members of the committee have more confidence in my integrity than to believe that I will allow them to use me as a pawn in deciding the choice of the American people,” she said before being approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, who voted for Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, tells ABC that the appointment is too close to the election and that he therefore voted against Trump’s choice of judge this time.

– It would be sensible and decent to wait until after the elections, he says.

California Sen. Kamala Harris, who took a break from her vice presidential campaign to vote “no,” says Republicans in their decision have not listened to the people and she calls the process illegitimate.

– We will not forget this, write on Twitter.

Congressmen from the party’s liberal left wing have previously announced that they will try to increase the number of seats on the Supreme Court if Coney Barrett is appointed a Supreme Court Justice. Presidential candidate Joe Biden has yet to respond whether he supports this proposal.

Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez, populært kalt «AOC», takes the floor after the vote to “extend the court.”

– Republicans do this because they don’t believe Democrats have the tools to play hard the way they do. And for a long time he has been right. But we can’t let them bother the population into letting their bulldozer behavior be normal, but that an answer is not, writes the congressional representative on Twitter.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said before the vote that he believes Republicans are flouting their own principles with the short process, as in 2016 they would not vote for Obama’s candidate for justice eight months before the elections.

“The American people will suffer the consequences of the far-right views of Judge Barrett for generations,” he said.

SATISFIED: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on his way out after voting on Coney Barrett Tuesday night. Photograph: J. Scott Applewhite / AP

However, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell said in his speech that he was confident Democrats would do the same if they were in his place.

Amy Coney Barrett is one of the most impressive second nominations for public office and will serve for life on our highest court. write on Twitter after the vote.

Receives criticism from corona for planned celebration

Trump’s previous event honoring the now-appointed Supreme Court Justice has been described as a mass infection event, after at least 16 of those present during the Rosehagen nomination on Sept. 26 were confirmed infected with corona in retrospect. .

See the VG special: How the infection spread during the Rosehagen ceremony

The new branding comes at the same time as a new outbreak in the circle around Vice President Mike Pence: At least five of his staff have been diagnosed with the coronavirus in recent days.

The Democrats’ presidential candidate, and Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden, are among those who react.

– When the President of the United States holds these high-profile events, you saw what happened when she was nominated. All those people, including his family. Thank goodness they seem fine, all the people who had covid, I was just hoping he was willing to take a lesson, he says ahead of Monday’s event.

Read also: Biden refuses to answer if he wants to expand the Supreme Court

North Dakota Republican Senator Kevin Cramer told CNN he will attend the event.

– It looks like it’s outdoors, it will definitely help. Obviously there’s a lot more space and clean air too, so no, I’m not too worried, he says.

Florida Sen. Rick Scott says he has not yet decided whether to attend.

– It is important that people wear masks and keep their distance, he says when asked about the safety of the event.

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