The road ends at a jetty. Now it can be completed. – VG


THE END IS NEAR: Rv4 ends at this castle on the Gran border, declares MP Rigmor Aasrud ​​(Labor Party), who for several years was Mayor of Lunner in Hadeland. Photography: Mattis Sandblad, VG

The new national road 4 has ended for several years on a rocky between Gran and Lunner in Hadeland. In the state budget for 2021, the government is investing funds to complete the construction of four kilometers of missing road.

At 12 o’clock on Wednesday, Transport Minister Knut Arild Hareide (KrF) has called a large press conference in the area where the Hadeland highway ends in nothing.

There he will present the news that hadelendinger has been waiting for years: Work to complete the missing section of the highway can begin thanks to the funds from the state budget 2021.
The Government proposes to use funds for preparatory work and the probable start of construction in 2021. The project is a continuation of developments on National Highway 4. The start of construction is reserved for the Storting to approve the project. The road is scheduled to open to traffic in 2024, it is established in the government’s proposal for the state budget.

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Not least, the many who had to move out of 28 houses in the village of Volla to make room for the highway, were waiting for something to happen.

– The boring thing in this case is that the road has not been built that long after an entire village was leveled with the ground, former Volla resident Ivar Haglund (53) told VG this summer.

He was one of many who were forcibly relocated from their home four years ago. Now he is satisfied that there will finally be road construction.

– It really was time. When authorities first start a highway project, it should be expected that it will be completed in a reasonable time, Haglund told VG on Wednesday morning.

He now works at Felleskjøpet in Lunner, near the houses in the village of Volla that were leveled to make room for the missing stretch of road.

– That is why I have followed the demolition day by day. Now I can continue the construction of the road. It’s almost better for me that way than it is for the former residents of Volla who have seen the change abruptly and brutally, Haglund muses.

REMOVED A GREND: The houses on the right side of the road in this 2014 photo were removed to make room for the new road. The red house partially hidden behind a large tree on the far right of the image belonged to Ivar Haglund. Photo: Bjørn Bjørkli, Avisen Hadeland Photo: Bjørn Bjørkli, Hadeland

Britain’s former mayor, minister and former Storting politician Rigmor Aasrud ​​(Labor Party) is unusually enthusiastic about the government’s decision.

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– This was the moment. I am pleased that this road project can now be completed, says Aasrud. VG met her this summer on the jetty where Rv4 drivers are sent through a roundabout onto the old road. Then the pipe had a different sound:

– I think it is a scandal that people have been evicted from their homes four years ago without road construction here, the Labor veteran said then.

Development Director Kjell Inge Davik from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is also pleased.

– This is very gratifying and expected. The new Rv 4 between Roa and Gran Border is important for traffic safety and traffic accessibility in Hadeland. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration will do everything possible to bring the project to market, writes Davik in an SMS to VG.

In addition to the missing part of Rv4 in Gran / Roa, a stretch of Rv4 between Jaren and Lygna i Innlandet will also be developed from 2021, according to the state budget.

The two affected mayors are also happier today than when the fate of the four-kilometer stretch was still unclear.

– I am very happy that money is now being set aside for this tranche, says Mayor Randi Eek Thorsen (Labor Party) in Gran on Hadeland.

– The development of the Rv4 is future-oriented and is very important for both traffic management and business development in Lunner and Hadeland, says Mayor Harald Tyrdal (Labor Party) in Lunner.

COMPLETE THE ROAD: Transport Minister Knut Arild Hareide delivers the news of the assignment to Rv4 in Gran on Hadeland on Wednesday. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

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The corresponding stretch of road is roughly on the municipal boundary between Gran and Lunner, and between Innlandet and Viken counties.

At the local level, there are several politicians who think that it is strange that a KrF minister was needed to allocate the money that will start up the missing stretch of road.

The comprehensive development of Rv 4 from Oslo to Mjøsbrua has previously been prioritized as the most important road measure on the list that the Inland County Council sent to the Minister of Transport earlier this year.

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– It’s definitely time for this path to be completed, but it’s a bit curious that a KrF minister was needed after the self-proclaimed Frp road party had the Minister of Transport for several years, says Charlotte Verland Hoven, group leader of KrF in the Interior. Councilor of the City Council.

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