The Rehman Foundation demands payment – VG


LEADING FOUNDATION: Comedian and public polemicist Shabana Rehman. Photo: Tore Kristiansen, VG

Born Free, the foundation led by Shabana Rehman, demands that a suspended grant of three million crowns be paid. Without access to the money, they cannot adequately respond to allegations of financial disorder, writes the foundation’s attorney.

This week it emerged that state support for the Born Free foundation, where comedian and public debater Shabana Rehman (44) is the CEO, has been cut.

The reason is that the foundation, which is to “work against negative social control” in immigrant communities, must have used parts of the state support for purposes other than those for which they received support and lack good financial management, according to an audit report from E&Y (Ernst & Young).

Relationship: Here’s how the Rehman Foundation used the money

Rehman explains that the foundation has previously received 5 million crowns from the state budget for 2018, 6 million last year and 3 million so far this year. The second part of this year’s allocation, another NOK 3 million, has been suspended by the allocator from the Integration and Diversity Directorate (IMDi), based on the EY report.

Shabana Rehman to VG: – This is not true

The foundation now requires IMDi to pay this amount. In a letter sent to IMDi to which VG has been given access, the foundation’s attorney, Harald F. Strandenæs, writes: It is required (…) that the subsidy for the second semester of 2020 is immediately made available to the foundation ”.

Counsel believes that IMDi chose to withhold the last term of support even before the audit report was ordered and thus before the conclusion of the investigation report was available. The foundation believes the report is full of errors and has been given until October 6 to submit a response.

But the lawyer states in the letter to IMDi that this is impossible for the foundation, because it has had to lay off all the employees, cancel all the projects and does not have the money to get help to answer the audit report.

Shabana Rehman: Foundation formed by phone from Abid Raja

WITH THE LAWYER: Shabana Rehman and attorney Harald F. Strandenæs say they can refute the allegations from the audit firm Ernst & Young. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Must pay for help

“Without financial means there is no contradiction”, the lawyer writes, and explains that the foundation cannot be answered “No employees, and especially no funds for legal, auditing and investigative expertise. Naturally, such competition must be remunerated ».

He adds that some of the Født Fri employees have chosen to continue working without pay or for very little pay. It also argues that IMDi’s deal violates the Public Administration Law.

Katarina Heradstveit, IMDi’s director of communication and public relations, will not elaborate on the case.

– IMDi can confirm that it has received a letter on behalf of Født Fri and will respond to it in the usual way. We do not want to process this case in the media. Beyond that, we have no comment, write to VG.

Requires audio recording

The lawyer has also delivered a letter to the Oslo District Court demanding that the audio recordings of the interviews that Rehman and organizing secretary Morten Guldberg have granted to E&Y be turned over.

– The minutes of the interviews contain phrases that our clients do not recognize. We believe that the interpretation is biased and characterized by errors and omissions, Strandenæs tells VG.

– We believe that the report contains a series of errors, and that it reproduces our explanations incorrectly and poorly, elaborates Shabana Rehman.

Frode Skårmo Krabbesund at E&Y says they cannot comment on a report they have submitted.

– What we have to say about this case, we have explained in the report. Those interviewed in Født Fri had the opportunity to listen to the audio recordings in a suitable room, but they refused. We are unable to deliver audio recordings dealing with other people, among other things for privacy reasons, Krabbesund tells VG.

– We do not request audio recordings from anyone other than Født Fris employees, Shabana and Morten Gullberg, who have requested it. Other participants are the EY researchers. We do not see that EY has any reason to withhold the audio recordings, replies lawyer Strandenæs.

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