The reason for the Nashville bomber may remain unknown


The FBI released a photo of Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, who was responsible for the Nashville bombing on Christmas Day Monday night.

The 63-year-old man died himself in the explosion. Until he retired a month ago, Warner had worked as an IT expert for a real estate agent in the city.

The FBI is asking people who have photos, videos or other information on the alleged attacker to contact the FBI in Nashville.

The reason may remain unknown

According to CBS, the police have already received hundreds of tips in relation to the case.

But police still don’t know what the purpose behind the motor home bomb was.

– We hope to find an answer, but sometimes it is not possible, said investigation leader David Rausch about the case in an interview with TODAY.

Warner’s record was impeccable, except when he was arrested in 1978 for selling marijuana.

– It may appear that he intended to destroy rather than kill with this bomb. But so far there is only speculation, as the investigation of the case is still ongoing, Rausch continued.

A few days earlier, according to the AP news agency, the man must have given a disturbing response to his neighbor Rick Laude, who wondered if he expected to receive anything from Santa Claus this year.

“Nashville and the world will never forget me,” said the 63-year-old.

But there was nothing in his behavior that caused the warning lights to flash, Laude told ABC News.


Police investigators in Nashville used DNA to link the man to remains found near the exploded motor home.

It was with the help of the car’s registration that they first followed the 63-year-old’s trail.

Authorities do not know what Warner’s motive may have been, but there is no indication that anyone other than Warner himself was involved. (TV 2 / NTB)
