The pandemic is like an attack on Norway – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


Eirik Kristoffersen is the Supreme Military Leader of Norway. He is the one who will lead the Norwegian forces in a war. And he has no doubt. The pandemic is like an attack on Norway.

– There are clear parallels between fighting a pandemic, as we do now in Norway, and being at war, says Kristoffersen.

– The defense of Norway is also beneficial

From the sidelines, the Chief of Defense sees characteristics of Norwegian society during the pandemic that he likes.

Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen at the Akershus Defense Museum

The Chief of Defense believes that trust between the people and those in power is essential in a pandemic. And in a war.

Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / NRK

– I like the trust we have shown in the authorities by following the advice we have received. For me, as Chief of Defense, it is a sign of what I would call the will to defend. The defense of Norway is also a charity event in which we all join in if necessary. And I’ve seen it now during the fight against the pandemic, says the 51-year-old.

– We didn’t have enough preparation

On a booth in the Defense Museum, the uniforms of King Haakon VII and then-Crown Prince Olav are displayed. These were the uniforms they wore on April 9, 1940, the day of the German attack on Norway.

Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen at the Akershus Defense Museum F

Eirik Kristoffersen looks at the uniforms of the king and crown prince.

Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / NRK

– It always surprises us. He surprised us in April 1940, despite the indications that Norway would be attacked. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 came as a surprise to most of us. We were surprised when the attack on the Twin Towers in New York took place on September 11, 2001. So we must be prepared to be surprised again. And then investing in emergency preparedness is essential, says the defense chief.

He believes that the pre-pandemic preparation was not enough.

– The DSB’s Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning had declared for several years that a pandemic was one of the threat scenarios against Norway. So it is a step to go from a declared threat and to improve oneself properly in it. And you have to make difficult compromises.

– Does that mean that you think we were very badly prepared for this pandemic because it was announced?

– We were not prepared enough when there was a battle for the infection control team and we had very few respirators. At the same time, we handle that situation very well. It’s important to have it with you, says Kristoffersen.

Defense Chief Eirik Kristoffersen at the Akershus Defense Museum F

Norway had little preparation before the pandemic hit us, Kristoffersen believes.

Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / NRK

Think fake news is a challenge

Another challenge and a parallel between fighting an invisible virus and a war is fake news, according to the Chief of Defense. It emphasizes that wars can start with misunderstandings or information operations on the Internet, initiated by a hostile country.

– It is a challenge with today’s social networks and the use of the internet is that we have configured a system where the algorithms deviate so that you feed more from what you press. We have created a world where you can confirm your own conspiracy theories and biases. And this is something that we must be very aware of in the future. Using the Internet reinforces your own opinions, regardless of whether it is true or not.

Defense Chief Eirik Kristoffersen at the Akershus Defense Museum F

Fake news is a challenge in a pandemic, says the defense chief.

Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / NRK

Remember that this is also dangerous in a tense situation in the world.

– Most wars are triggered by fear, conflicts of interest, or simply misunderstandings. So if we don’t have the ability to think critically and ask questions about things that are presented as fact, but are not, then it is a challenge for a society, both now in the pandemic and elsewhere, says Kristoffersen.

– An invisible enemy

Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen at the Akershus Defense Museum F

A pistol has been installed on a stand in the Defense Museum. A Heckler & Koch USP, Kristoffersen’s service weapon

Photograph: Gunhild Hjermundrud / Gunhild Hjermundrud

Eirik Kristoffersen from Bjerkvik, near Narvik, is the only defense chief to have been in the battle for Norway after WWII, in Afghanistan. A pistol has been installed on a stand in the Defense Museum. A USP from Heckler & Koch. It belonged to Eirik Kristoffersen during service for Norway in Afghanistan. For his efforts in Afghanistan, he has been awarded the War Cross with the Sword, the highest-ranking military award in Norway.

The experience of the fighting in the Afghan mountains is important to the Chief of Defense. He does so optimistically, considering the pandemic.

– I had a lot of locks to Afghanistan. And there is no doubt that militarily we won the battle against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But at the same time, we never managed to convince people on our side. In the fight against coronavirus, we have the people with us in the fight against an invisible enemy. And therefore we will win this match, says the Norwegian Chief of Defense.

The Chief of Defense on the rampart of the fortress.

The Chief of Defense has experienced that several of his own officers have been infected with corona.

Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / NRK
