The pandemic is gathering momentum in Europe


The increase in France was particularly strong, with the infection rate on Wednesday already high at 13,072. Then the statistics went a long way in the wrong direction, when 16,096 new cases of covid-19 were recorded on Thursday.

There have also been 52 deaths in the last 24 hours.

The pressure on hospitals is mounting and now 6,000 corona patients are being reported. Of these, more than 1,000 are in the intensive care unit.

In total, so far more than 497,000 people have been infected in France, and more than 31,500 have lost their lives in the country of more than 66 million inhabitants.

– It’s a battle against the clock. The population must act responsibly and prudently, says Prime Minister Jean Castex on French television.

British infection registry

The situation in the UK is also under increasing pressure.

British health authorities recorded 6,634 new corona cases, the most infections ever recorded in one day.

There have also been 40 new deaths in the UK, one in Wales, two in Scotland and the others in England. In total, covid-19 is associated with almost 42,000 deaths in the country, the highest number in Europe. Britain’s population is at the same level as France, around 66 million.

Sky News writes that the infection rate was likely highest in April and May, despite Thursday’s record high. At that time, however, large-scale testing had not yet been introduced and a smaller proportion of infection cases were found.

Researchers from Imperial College London have suggested that there may be around 100,000 new cases a day at the start of the pandemic, the channel writes.

Madrid asks for help

Several other European countries are also seeing the same trend. In Spain, the daily number of infected has risen to more than 10,000. The situation in Madrid is difficult and regional authorities want external troops, police and doctors to be quickly deployed to counter the development.

A film released Thursday claims that the military will be used for logistical support, police forces to ensure that restrictions are enforced, and doctors to care for the sick.

– Madrid has a difficult week ahead, says the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa. New infection control measures are expected to be announced in the city on Friday.

Experts believe that the current restrictions in the Spanish capital, which affect 850,000 people, are not working properly. People can still travel freely to work, school and agreements with public transport.

Russian rise

In Russia, there were 6,595 new cases of infection on Thursday, the largest daily increase since July. In Moscow alone, more than 1,000 cases were recorded.

Infection rates in Russia began to rise in late August. The country has the fourth highest number of registered cases in the world with 1.12 million.

However, the official death toll is relatively low, just under 20,000.
