The pandemic affects Europe: closure of Poland and registration of infections in France


In Poland, the authorities are taking action and introducing a new limited closure. Social gatherings are getting tougher, restaurants are due to close at 9pm and there will be homeschooling again in upper secondary schools.

At the same time, there will be stops for spectators at sporting events and gyms and swimming pools will be closed. More than 70 percent of the country is declared a red zone. It includes Warsaw and several major cities.

– We must hit the brakes, says Health Minister Adam Niedzielski.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki encouraged everyone who can to work from home in the future.

– Today we have to go back to what we know about this spring: stay home, says Morawiecki.

Poland has recorded 149,903 cases of infection so far in the pandemic and 8,099 in the past 24 hours, Worldometer figures show.

French registry infection and curfew

Starting Saturday, France will introduce a curfew in nine major cities, including the capital, Paris. The curfew will last from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. More than 12,000 police officers have been ordered to leave to ensure compliance with the curfew.

The decision was made on Wednesday and on Thursday the French health authorities were able to report a new infection record. For the first time, more than 30,000 cases of infection have been recorded in one day in France. On Thursday 30,621 new cases were registered.

British level system

The UK also reports high infection rates, the country recorded 18,980 cases of infection on Thursday. Tight measures have been introduced this week, with a tier system based on the spread of the infection.

Currently only Liverpool is on the list of areas in category 1, but on Thursday London and seven other areas were moved to level 2. This means that more than 28 million of the 56 million inhabitants of the United Kingdom can no longer stay in interiors with people who do not live. with in social contexts.

At the same time, the government is negotiating with Manchester whether the region will also fall into category 1, which will cause many companies to close their doors.

Dark autumn in Europe

The fact that infection registries are established in several European countries worries experts that the virus could spiral out of control in Europe. Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy and Poland have recorded record levels of infections in the last 24 hours.

However, many more are being tested than at the beginning of the pandemic, so infection rates may have been much higher in spring and winter.

The head of the European branch of the World Health Organization, Dr. Hans Kluge, says that European authorities must be uncompromising in complying with infection registries. He says the infection spreads mainly indoors and where infection control measures are not followed.

– The measurements will help us to get ahead of the curve and, of course, to flatten it. So it’s up to us to accept them while they’re still relatively easy to follow, Kluge says.

On Wednesday, Germany introduced new measures, such as increasing bandage requirements, closing hours for bars and reducing the number of people who can meet socially.

Warns against Oslo

The Nordic countries have now escaped the strong growth of infection seen in some European countries, but infection is increasing here as well. Denmark reported 430 new cases of infection on Thursday, a day after 492 cases of infection were recorded.

The Danes also issued a warning against traveling to Oslo on Thursday. Norway is one of the few countries that does not establish quarantine requirements in Denmark, but the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes Twitter that Oslo has high infection rates and that travelers should be aware of the risk of infection.

– You are encouraged to get tested for covid-19 upon your return to Denmark, the Danes write in the Oslo warning.

In Sweden, infection rates increased by 1,075 on Thursday and three new deaths were reported. The Swedish crown’s strategy received harsh criticism Thursday in a reading post by 80 researchers in the medical journal The Lancet. Researchers strongly caution against belief in herd immunity.

– The Swedish strategy has led to nothing but death and depravity. And this situation has not been honestly described to the Swedish population or to the rest of the world, writes researcher Zoë Hyde. Twitter.
