The mouthpiece is not the rescue – VG


CORRECT USE: Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says it is difficult to use the masks correctly and that it can increase the risk of spreading the infection. Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell stands his ground, facing large parts of Europe that are now introducing sanitary napkins. – It can even increase the risk of spreading the infection, he says. Completely wrong, Nakstad replies.

Sweden is quite alone when it comes to the attitude towards bandages, which is not mandatory in society.

Many countries around the world have introduced face masks as a measure against the further spread of the coronavirus. But that’s not the solution, according to state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

– We continue working on the idea that the most important thing is to keep your distance. There’s a lot to say about face masks, Tegnell tells Dagens Nyheter.

In many countries with strict bandages, there is still a widespread spread of the infection, he says.

– So it is probably dangerous to think that a mask will be the rescue, says Tegnell.

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– May increase risk

The Swedish state epidemiologist believes that what speaks against bandages is that there is not much data that speaks for the use of it, according to him.

– It is not easy to use a mask in the correct way. It is often taken off and on, something those who work in the healthcare system don’t know is a good way to wear a bandage.

It can even increase the risk of spreading the infection, it adds.

Nakstad: – Completely wrong.

Health Deputy Director Espen Nakstad reacts to Tegnell’s statement.

– Similar arguments have been made in Norway, and this is completely wrong. Most people are fine with putting on and taking off bandages the right way, Nakstad tells VG.

– And most importantly; In public spaces we do not have close contact with sick people as in hospitals, so the probability is minimal that you can catch viruses on your hands that are transmitted to the eyes or mouth and nasal mucosa when you fix the mouthpiece in public space .

Tegnell also points to the high costs for people who have to buy face masks, either to change them every three or four hours.

– Also, the masks do not send signals that you should keep your distance, he tells DN.

– Experiences in various countries also show the opposite; that bandages remind people of the pandemic and have an aggravating effect, so that we stay further away from others, says Nakstad.

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– Important additional effect

Sweden and Tegnell have received much criticism for their corona strategy during the pandemic.

The country has again experienced high infection rates in recent days, and on Saturday it rose by a total of 146,461 cases. 6,022 people have died so far as a result of the coronavirus.

Swedish authorities tightened the guidelines in several regions at a press conference on Tuesday.

In just three days, the number of COVID-19 patients admitted to Stockholm County increased from 148 to 203.

Tegnell also believes that wearing a mask has advantages, as it can theoretically reduce the risk of someone getting infected, if everyone uses it the right way. However, she notes that the most important thing is to stay home if you feel symptoms.

Nozzles are not just a solution. Distance from others is most important and being home when you are sick is the most important. But masks have an important additional effect when there is a likelihood of getting close to infected people. And bandages have an extra-large effect when worn by people who are contagious, perhaps without their knowledge, Nakstad says.

DISAGREE: Deputy Director of Health Espen Nakstad disagrees with Anders Tegnell. Photo: Heiko Junge

In several places in Norway, stricter rules on bandages are being introduced, where, among other things, there will be requirements for the use of bandages or masks in public transport, taxis, restaurants, and indoors in public places.

Confused with all the measurements? Here VG gives you an overview.

– What effect does a bandage have in preventing the spread of an infection?

– It has an important additional effect to keep your distance if you are in the same room, train or bus compartment as an infected person, and the possibility of that happening has increased in Norway’s larger cities recently, says Nakstad.

Until we increased the pressure for infections in Norway this fall, no recommendation on the use of masks has been made in Norway, says Nakstad, because calculations have shown that a large number of people would have to wear masks to prevent some cases of infection.

– Now that there is a significant increase in the spread of infection in the larger cities, the situation is different and bandages are recommended as a reinforcement measure where a good distance cannot be maintained.

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