The government presents a new corona package on Monday


In the crown bill to be presented and sent to the Storting, there will also be new estimates of what the crisis has cost the Norwegian economy, NTB understands.

The above estimate was included in the revised national budget in May, but a lot has happened since then. In general terms, the evolution of the Norwegian economy has been more positive than expected and unemployment has gradually decreased.

At the same time, some industries are struggling hard as a result of infection control restrictions, and there will be separate packages of measures for the tourism and events industry, NTB reported.

The reason the government presents a separate proposal in addition to the proposal for next year’s state budget, which arrives on October 7, is a need to clarify the measures in the last three months of the year.


Reactions were strong after Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø (V) declared in August that the tourism crisis “is the new normal, and we must figure out how to live with it.”

– It is shocking that the minister responsible for an industry that is important to our entire country does not recognize the situation the industry is in, said Virke CEO Ivar Horneland Kristensen.

Kristin Krohn Devold at NHO reiseliv warned of a black fall and fear of bankruptcy and mass layoffs.

And at the end of August, Nybø announced a separate tour package with “money to remedy the dire situation.”

New cash support?

It is unknown what is included in the tour package. But the industry has made no secret of the fact that the cash benefits scheme for businesses, now being phased out, has helped many.

Thus, a scheme may emerge in which companies affected by the crown cover their fixed costs, both for tourism and for the events industry. The continuation of the low VAT of 6 percent for tourism is another measure that can be taken.

At the same time, many affected companies are benefiting from the extension of the redundancy regime. This means that companies do not have to lay off staff.

For the events industry, it is first and foremost the infection control consideration that hinders profits. The industry wants an opening to gather more than 200 people at the same time at concerts, fairs, conferences, courses or other events.

Three billion reserved

However, most of the content of the proposal is already known, as understood by NTB:

* On August 13, the government announced that the layoff period would be extended to 52 weeks from November 1. The measure has an estimated cost of NOK 540 million this year and next.

* On August 19, the government set aside NOK 900 million for a new incentive plan for events in the cultural sector starting on October 1.

* On August 20, it was announced that new billion will be set aside to make up for lost income from sports and volunteering.

* On August 25, the Minister of Finance confirmed that the cash benefit scheme for companies will be abolished.

* On August 27, it became clear that the government will spend around 400 million to extend the period with an increase in the unemployment benefit rate throughout the year.

* On September 15, it became clear that the government will introduce a separate scheme for parents who have exhausted the day-care quota, if the children’s school or kindergarten is closed.
