The girlfriend provoked after statements by Granerud: – I’m sorry


Halvor Egner Granerud was clearly frustrated after the defeat in Innsbruck and gave the TV 2 reporter an honest and direct interview. There he arrived, among other things, with some stabs at the Polish winner Kamil Stoch, who leads the summary of the jumping week.

– Kamil is so unstable it should turn out fine Or it may go well. I also think that if there are even conditions at Bischofshofen, I can jump ten points over it. It doesn’t jump as well, but it has good results, Granerud told TV 2 on Sunday.

It shocked the minds of Polish jumping fans and Granerud received a lot of criticism. Stoch’s wife also became involved in the Polish media.

– There has been a lot of hatred. I’m really glad I can’t polish so I didn’t understand everything. But I have understood what they have wanted to get out and it has been difficult things, Granerud told TV 2 on Monday.

– Last night, you spent a lot of time trying to explain what was really said and what was not said. Try to calm the mood a bit, he explains.

Boyfriend provoked

But Granerud’s girlfriend is also said to have experienced upheaval on social media. Makes the jumping kite react.

– I invite. I don’t think it’s cool, especially since there were also reactions against my boyfriend. I think that’s ugly, says Granerud.

– How does your girlfriend think about this?

– You probably feel more sorry for the people who felt the need to do it, while I felt that here there are people who cross the line. So he handled it well, but I think there is a boundary that is wrong to cross. There is a person who has nothing to do with these statements.

– I was a little sad. I think it is wrong to attack innocent people.

I had to apologize

When it boiled over Sunday night, Granerud decided to shoot a video that he posted to the largest jumping fan site in Poland.

In the video, he explained what had been said and what he meant by the statements. After its publication, it calmed down around the jumping comet.

– I felt that things were not being translated correctly and that he turned around thinking that Kamil was a bad ski jumper. That’s not right, I don’t feel like that’s what I said either. It was mainly to get it right. It’s okay that they may be angry, but I feel like they must be angry on the right basis and I don’t think they were, says Granerud.

– In terms of jumping, Kamil is one of my great role models. That’s why I also feel like I can say that the jump he’s making now isn’t entirely superior to Kamil. Although he jumps well enough to win the World Cup race, I have seen jumps that are better too. I don’t think that fact has been so well received, he adds.

Poland is a very interested nation and the majority of Granerud’s followers on social media are from Poland.

– It’s very important and very cool. The competitions we have in Poland are the coolest we have, but it should be in a bit of moderation, maybe, says Granerud.

Stöckl: – Important to clean

– The (Poles) were quite unhappy, mainly because what Halvor said was completely misinterpreted. I think it was someone who used Google Translate, or something like that, national team coach Alexander Stöckl tells TV 2.

He applauds Granerud’s honesty, but admits that things could have been said in a better way.

– I think that’s correct. He could have chosen his words differently, but he is extremely demanding in the situation he was in yesterday. I wanted to say more than what came out. It is important to clean it and, as I understand it, everyone is happy, says the coach of the national team.
