The flu virus is coming soon: this is the horror scenario


About a million Norwegians got a flu shot last year, which is more than ever. However, health authorities hope that even more people will have to be vaccinated next fall and winter.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has already ordered 1.2 million doses of flu vaccines. The reason for this increase is, unsurprisingly, the coronavirus. The flu vaccine will have no effect on the coronavirus, but it will be important to have as little flu as possible during the ongoing pandemic.

But there is great uncertainty about what Norway will be like if both viruses spread heavily in the population.

New edition

– You don’t have much experience to trust. Last year’s flu season ended largely before the crown, says Steinar Madsen, director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency. They are responsible for approving all medications and, therefore, will be responsible for the approval of this year’s flu vaccine.

No other country in the world has experienced a major outbreak of seasonal flu and coronavirus. Therefore, the professional community is not sure what we have in store.

– There are many uncertainties related to this, and as we now approach a new flu season, the crucial question is how serious the flu will be, he says.

They can reinforce each other

The flu virus changes every year. This is why you need to get vaccinated annually to be immune.

In addition, there is uneven quality of the vaccine, which means that in a few years almost everyone who is vaccinated against the flu does it, while in the second year they have a much lower hit rate.

Nakstad’s advice for you wondering if it’s a cold or a crown

It also means that the virus has varying degrees of danger. If we have a severe flu outbreak this year, Madsen fears the two viruses will strengthen each other, causing the situation to spiral out of control.

– If you get the flu for the first time, you will probably be more susceptible to corona, because the flu weakens the immune system. Older people often have other complications, such as pneumonia, when they have the flu. So your guess is that if there is severe flu, there will be many more cases of infection from both coronavirus and flu. They want to strengthen each other, says Madsen.

He says that several experts fear that such a situation could lead to an exponential increase in those infected.

– And many patients pose a great burden to the healthcare system. So this year there is a greater need than ever for people to get vaccinated, she says.

MAKES AN INFLUENCE PLAN: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says that this year it is very important that those in the risk group get vaccinated.

MAKES AN INFLUENCE PLAN: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says that this year it is very important that those in the risk group get vaccinated. Photo: Heiko Junge

More important than before

Health authorities are currently working to make a plan on how to handle the flu season and decide who should be prioritized when launching this year’s vaccine.

Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad told TV 2 that the flu shot is more important this year than it usually is.

– It is more important for those in the risk group to take the vaccine this year than it has been. Also, it’s important that as few people as possible should be tested, as testing is also resource-intensive, she says.

It is not known if all people will be advised to get vaccinated or if the health authorities will ask only those in the risk group and health personnel to be vaccinated. This is in part because not enough is known yet about the accuracy of the vaccine and how many vaccines will be available.

However, Nakstad does not expect that they will have to deny the vaccine to certain groups.

– Is it conceivable that you ask certain groups to refrain from getting vaccinated in order to have enough vaccinations for everyone in the risk group?

– I don’t think it’s a current issue, says Nakstad.
