– The crisis is not over – E24


Tradition believes that the press was waiting for the Finance Minister at home outside his own home on budget day.


On Wednesday, Jan Tore Sanner (H) will present his first state budget as finance minister.

– Of course I’m excited. It is a very special situation to present the state budget. We are still in the midst of the crown crisis. Although it was even more demanding this spring, we know there are still many struggling businesses and jobs. Perhaps the most important thing next year is to secure jobs. But also that we have good infection control and that those who need good health services get it, says Sanner.

E24 Direct: 2021 State Budget

– Special

In January, he Sanner took over from Siv Jensen when she removed the Progress Party from the Solberg government.

– It is very special that it is my first state budget. The budget will look a little different than you thought in February. Before the crisis, the world looked very different. It will be a tight budget per crown. The most important thing is that we reduce unemployment even more.

The government has declared in advance that it will spend NOK 25 billion to deal with the corona pandemic in the new year that awaits us.

– In recent months, we see that many layoffs have returned to work. We should be happy about that. But my fear is that unemployment will stagnate, that young people who have finished their studies will not have a job to go to. Therefore, it will be a budget that will also stimulate the economy.

– The crisis is not over

– It will be a good municipal scheme. Now we do not have the complete picture of what it will be like for the municipalities next year. There we have established a separate committee that will present a recommendation later in October.

The price of oil has fallen from 66 dollars a barrel at the end of the year to the current around 40 dollars, which characterizes the Norwegian economy together with the coronavirus and subsequent infection control measures such as closures.

– There are several bright spots in the Norwegian economy, even though we are still in crisis. The crisis is not over.

also read

State budget 2021: here are the leaks

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