The AUF leader on bullying, new metoo rules and Trond Giske:


“It is not and should not be the responsibility of the AUFere to warn each other against older men at party events,” Ina Libak wrote on Facebook before the much-discussed annual county meeting in Trøndelag Ap.

Since then, he has been silent on the part of the outgoing AUF leader. Until now.

In this interview with Dagbladet, she answers questions about the battle in Trøndelag, about the running of the AUF, and what she has done herself to clean up what is described as a sprawling culture.

– It should be safe for everyone to participate in AUF and Labor Party events, he says.

New rules

– Why haven’t you commented on the events in Trøndelag since the Thursday before the annual meeting?

-Our main focus at AUF now is to contribute to the work of creating a better party culture. I am very happy that Jonas and Anette have started that work and that AUF will be involved in all stages, he says.

Støre about Labor: - Can be difficult

Støre about Labor: – Can be difficult

Libak targets Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre and women’s network leader Anette Trettebergstuen together came out on VG this week and discussed modified driving rules against sexual harassment.

Going forward, it will be a requirement that the AUF participate to secure young politicians before major party events.

– I don’t think the party will be postponed definitively if the number of nachspiel goes down, Støre told VG.

In addition to AUF involvement, all APS shop stewards must be trained in the prevention and management of sexual harassment. A written guide to good leadership and behavior should also be made for all who hold leadership positions in the party.

Will not be called Giske's friend: - Rules Technique

Will not be called Giske’s friend: – Rules Technique

– Not in the goal

Ina Libak says that your contribution to this work is the most important task that remains for you as AUF leader. At the national meeting in mid-October, Astrid Hoem, 25, from Kristiansund, will take the reins of the Labor Party’s youth party.

– Why hasn’t this work been started earlier?

– We have worked on that. At AUF, we have developed new guidelines against sexual harassment. Metoo created a new awareness and contributed to an awakening for the entire community, Libak says.

Stenseng refuses to prosecute the case

Stenseng refuses to prosecute the case

– Changing the structures that I discovered myself and that actually permeates the whole of society, takes time. We have made movements and we want to make new ones, and then you see that little by little what is missing. We are not on target in our organization either, he continues.

Libak says she is proud of her team and claims the AUF “have had a completely different conscience” on the issue of sexual harassment and the metoo.

– It is not the responsibility of the AUF to ensure that it is safe for AUF members at business meetings. That is the responsibility of the Labor Party, he says.

– they have been brave

Two weekends have passed since politically interested people across the country followed the Trøndelag Ap County Annual Meeting drama directly via the internet. Many were dismayed by the violent and personal arrangements that were produced for the open stage. Others shrugged their shoulders and thought that is the way it is in politics.

Requires full dishwashing

Requires full dishwashing

– Did you attend the meeting?

– Yes, I continued a bit, but I also had other meetings in which I sat down.

– What kind of thoughts do you have about what happened?

– What happens at the annual county meetings is up to the county teams to comment. The choice of who will represent the county team depends on the individual county annual meeting. But I thought it was important that they listen to the shop stewards, who said they did not trust Giske and were brave and raised their voices.

– Those who have risen have been very brave. When someone shows up, it’s a responsibility to follow up on this. The most important thing is to think ahead, Libak continues.

Trond Giske: - We are at the end of the road now

Trond Giske: – We are at the end of the road now

Understand reactions

When Trond Giske took the podium during the annual meeting and declared that he was at the end of the road, several members of the AUF chose to leave the room.

– Did you do the same?

– I was not a delegate at this annual meeting, says Libak.

– Do you think it was inappropriate for them to be?

– I understand your reaction. I think that AUF at Trøndelag throughout the whole process has looked after each other. The members have been brave and dared to use their voice.

– How could the AUF then, with only a few days notice, have supported a unanimous position with Trond Giske as leader?

– It was a decision made by the AUF county team in Trøndelag. It should be emphasized that this has been a long and difficult process with a lot of pressure on the AUF, says Libak.

– Does this mean that the AUF was pressured to support an attitude with Giske?

– There is a lot of pressure for young shop stewards to be in a nomination process over which there has been so much disagreement. They took responsibility in a stagnant situation and I’m proud of how they handled it.

Trond Giske himself does not want to comment on this case to Dagbladet.

He resigned as Deputy Leader of the Labor Party in January 2018 after several warnings against him. The party concluded that Giske had violated the party’s internal guidelines against sexual harassment, but Giske himself has denied the allegations of sexual harassment. It has also claimed that several of the warnings are “unfounded and false.”

Own responsibility

- No one has the right to a second chance

– No one has the right to a second chance

When asked if she herself, as the leader of the AUF, could have tried to support Trond Giske before, she answers the following:

– No, commenting on the nomination processes in the county councils in the Labor Party is not the role of the AUF.

– Were you surprised to hear the stories of the women that appeared that week?

– I hadn’t heard the stories before. When I heard them, I think it was very brave and important that they came. I think the most important thing we do is listen. When someone says that the culture of the party is like that, they tell me that we are not on target with this.

– What have you done as the leader of the AUF to bring these stories to light?

– Frankly: it is not AUF that has the responsibility to produce stories like this, where someone has abused their power or committed sexual harassment. The responsibility does not lie with the AUF and those who told the story, but with those who have committed injustices.


- Everything has been leaked

– Everything has been leaked

After the wedding in Trøndelag, the leader of the election committee, Arild Grande, who from the rostrum warned against the election of Ingvild Kjerkol as county leader, addressed the Labor Party office in Youngstorget with a message of concern.

– The problems in the party are not only of individuals. These are hidden and unhealthy power structures, and that we, who are in power too often, are unaware of how we affect others and how our role and behavior affect the entire party culture, Grande wrote in a Longest post on Facebook.

– Do you share Grande’s descriptions of party culture?

– No, not from me. In my time, Labor and AUF have been a pleasant place for me personally. But I’ve seen examples that tell me we need to address parts of the party’s culture, Libak says.

– Grande believes that everyone who has had bad experiences should receive an apology from the party. Should they?

– Whether the party should apologize or not is the party’s decision. I think the most important thing we can do is take the stories seriously, follow up with those involved, and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
