The Attorney General will not reopen – VG


Attorney General: Jørn Sigurd Maurud. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen

The investigation group reviewed 17 previous criminal cases with shredding and thought there was dubious evidence in several of the cases. Now the Attorney General responds that he currently does not want to reopen.

An investigation group with legal and medical experts investigated 17 criminal cases in which the parents were accused of having stabbed their children. They believed that in some of the cases there was not a good enough basis for using the diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome. about head injuries in infants, but that the injuries could have been congenital.

Ulf Stridbeck and Aslak Syse, who are Emeritus Professors at the Public Law Department at the University of Oslo, said on behalf of the research group that several parents could have been wrongly convicted of abusing their children.

The Attorney General has now assessed whether any of the 17 cases, which are discussed in the investigators’ article, result in the prosecution requesting the reopening on its own initiative.

– The article does not provide a basis for that, it is the assessment of the Attorney General.

Controversy over shaken baby syndrome

VG has written about twins “Max” and “Lukas” who were subjected to severe shaking by their father. This led to life-threatening injuries, they had to undergo extensive treatment in Rikshospitalet and have undergone a total of eight head operations.

IN PRISON: The twins’ father confessed in court and was sentenced to four years and six months in prison. Photo: Therese Ridar

If the family had lived in Sweden, the father probably would not even have been reported. Because the Swedish professional community has changed its mind and now believes that it is almost impossible to prove that shaking children can cause injuries so serious that they seriously injure or die.

Read the full story about the twins on VG +: The twins who were ragged

Some of the same views appear in the aforementioned research article that was published on Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 04/2020.

In several of the criminal cases, court experts concluded that the children were in rags, but the three medical experts behind the article find other explanations for the children’s head injuries in all but one case. In several of these cases, the researchers believe that the children suffered from a so-called benign external waterhead.

also read

Chief physician on the rags debate: – There has been a circus in court.

However, the Attorney General considers that there is no basis for the Public Ministry itself to request the resumption on the basis of the published investigative article.

Not complete enough

“The medical conclusions are based to some extent on the article,” the Attorney General writes in a press release, emphasizing that the investigation group will then publish an article with a medical focus that will delve into the medical findings.

– It is probably true that our medical analysis is not sufficiently supported by the legal article, says one of the authors of the article, Ulf Stridbeck.

AUTHOR: Ulf Stridbeck is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Public Law at the University of Oslo. Photo: Private

– We have chosen to separate the legal and the medical in two different ways, and we are still working on the medical article. It would probably have been an advantage if the two articles were published in parallel, but we believe that everything will be seen in a new light when the second article is published, says Stridbeck.

The Attorney General has notified the defenders and the convicted, so that they have the opportunity to assess for themselves if they want to present their case to the Readmission Commission. The letter was sent to defenders and convicted in 12 of the 17 cases mentioned in the article.

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