The American Nightmare – Commentary


Everything in America is great. The rations, the cars, the houses. The differences. God and family.

And not least the words and the lies.

The language spearheaded at this week’s Republican National Convention has pushed all the boundaries of what one might imagine used in an election campaign. It is no longer politics with arguments: it is a crude fight for civilization.

Culture war. On the brink of unbridled savagery.

After a busy week, to say the least, there is one speaker in particular left.

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It is not Trump himself, or Vice President Pence, who was caught lying from the rostrum. She is former Fox News lawyer and profile, Kimberly Guilfoyle. A fascinating woman and an excellent illustration of the position in American politics and the public.

She is now an advisor to the president. Yes, and Donald Jr.’s girlfriend since 2018. It is almost a matter of course in President Washington, the capital from which she was going to cleanse and eliminate all nepotism.

Drain the swamp, remember? Well, six of the 12 keynote speakers in the National Assembly had Trump as their last name.

Governing the United States has become a private matter. The Republican Party has become a family business. The White House reduced to a platform from which to campaign.

Nothing is sacred anymore.

And stick to the familiar and close. Guilfoyle was previously married to one of the most important profiles of Democrats, the former mayor of San Francisco and now the governor of California, Gavin Newsom.

A history of infidelity and a personal grudge against vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris for missing opportunities as a prosecutor when Harris was department head in the early 2000s was obviously not forgotten when Guilfoyle yelled at the television camera, raising his arms on the path of Peter Stordalen: “If you want a Biden-Harris socialist future for our country, just look at California.” The state, which is controlled by the ex-husband.

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“You have skills, you are qualified, you are powerful, and you have the opportunity to choose your own life and destiny. Don’t let the Democrats trample you down. Don’t let them crush your families, your lives, your future. Don’t let them kill generations. future because they told you, brainwashed you and fed you lies that you are not good enough, ”he shouted to echo off the marble.

Joe Biden? He passed? Smash?


When you thought Trump and his lies couldn’t get any worse, this lady appeared with body language like a certain gentleman with a mustache – an unreal mix of fascist, divisive, mass inciting propaganda from the 1930s and modern self-help literature.

And with the unwavering and unabashed faith that as long as you scream loud enough, you will be heard. And I believed. She is not wrong.

Okay, this is an election campaign. It is time for a more definite message. But this week’s national gathering has been a terrifying display of sorting out the lies. Lying as a method. These are characteristics of regimes that we do not otherwise associate with democracies.

Lies have become similarly normalized during Trump’s nearly four years in which the distinction between true and false has been completely blurred. The facts do not exist. The week has also uncovered a leadership cult that is worthy of any dictatorship.

As Belarus gets rid of its own, Americans are calling for Trump’s re-election: “President Trump believes in you, frees you and elevates you to live his American dream,” Guilfoyle roared. It is a rich and unrealistic layer of the United States that is now holding on to power by all means.

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There is nothing too low for them when it comes to creating fear in the population. Fear of his political opponents. For everyone else.

Fear works, fear is political capital, and President Trump is cementing the idea of ​​a divided America. The division grows deeper with each passing day. And this is not a consequence of politics, it is an independent political objective, which Trump is able to implement precisely.

His followers are loyal to him. In polls, more than 40 percent of Americans say they want him as president.

A foundation that has remained remarkably stable over four years of circus.

No matter what the Democrats and enlightened America throw at Trump, he stands his ground. The knot of Trump’s faith grows stronger and stronger. Us against them. It has created an external enemy of the other party in a two-party system.

Brian Stelter, CNN profile, recently published the book “Hoax”, about the relationship between Trump and the television channel Fox News. A symbiosis that threatens democracy because America’s most popular television channel awkwardly closes its eyes to lies as long as Trump is good for business.

Two other books about the president have also recently topped the charts.

Former councilor John Bolton’s book was ruthless. The same was the story of Trump’s niece. And next week, legend Bob Woodward will bring another book from the inside, where former employees open up. It’s called “Rage”, the previous one from 2018 was titled “Fear.”

The tour also includes a book on First Lady Melania, “The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady.”

The division is so wide that the arguments do not arrive. Everyone on the “right side” who has ever had to do with Trumps, walk away.

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These days the movie “Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump” is also released, where his psyche is dissected by leading American psychologists. The diagnosis appears to be “morbidly narcissistic.” A president who cheats at golf and has the keys to the nuclear arsenal?

Despite the movies, books, and testimonies about the insanity: there is a difference of seven small percentage points between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Before the 1988 election, Democrat Michael Dukakis led 17 percent. George Bush was on his knees. Dukakis lost. The parallel is delayed, but it shows that the American electoral system is fickle, the states are many, and Americans have the bitter experience that they cannot be trusted.

42.5 out of 100 Americans supported Trump this week. A statistical model in which 40,000 different electoral scenarios have been run gives Trump a 30 percent chance of winning.

It will be roaring for another two months. Wait.

The American dream can still be a nightmare.
