The 50th anniversary was celebrated in Sunnmøre when Tom Cruise appeared – NRK Møre og Romsdal – Local News, TV and Radio


A full group of 18 people traveled from Oslo to Sunnmøre on Friday to celebrate Anders Gjengedal’s 50th anniversary. Suddenly, world-famous movie star Tom Cruise landed by helicopter in front of the hotel.

– Ragne puts on such a nice celebration that we even have Tom Cruise with us, Anders Gjengedal tells NRK, about the wife who organized the trip.

On Friday night, Cruise landed in Molde and soon after jumped out of his helicopter at the Hotell Union Øye in Sunnmøre.

Here he took a lot of time to chat and take pictures with various surprised guests.

– He was very kind and spoke to everyone, says Ragne Gjengedal.

The cruise ship remains in Norway for several weeks.

The American world star has not spent the summer holidays in the spectacular mountains of Sunnmøre and Romsdal.

Throughout September, scenes for a new “Mission Impossible” movie will be shot in Hellesylt and Åndalsnes in Møre og Romsdal.

Cruise told Ragne Gjengedal that he travels all over the world to find out where he can film “Mission Impossible.”

– Norway is one of the most beautiful, she said, she says.

Met Tom Cruise

ALSO FOUND: Cousins ​​Mars and Agnes Gjengedal think it was a lot of fun meeting the actor.

Photo: Private

Kristin Henry and her son Lucas Henry also met the actor at the hotel.

– We sat down and joked a bit about it, she says. Suddenly, while they were talking about it, he landed by helicopter.

– He was very kind, courteous, says Kristin Henry.

Lucas Henry met Tom Cruise

STAS: Lucas Henry thought it was exciting to meet Tom Cruise.

Photo: Kristin Henry

INSIDE THE HOTEL: Tom Cruise tells those in the hotel how beautiful Norway is. Photo: Kristin Henry

Concerned about infection control

Kristin Henry says Cruise was very concerned about keeping his distance. He also walked around with a mask when talking to people.

Despite crown restrictions, the film crew received an exemption to film this fall.

– The crew will spend NOK 6 million on infection control measures, Culture Minister Abid Raja said in July.

When Tom Cruise landed at Molde airport at 7 p.m. Friday night, he was greeted by people dressed in white who likely performed corona tests, according to Rbnett.

Tom Cruise also performed the coronal test himself, according to the newspaper. First he collapsed, before smiling and laughing.

Film set in Åndalsnes

THE ORIENT EXPRESS: An old set of wagons has been turned into the Orient Express in connection with the shoot. You are now at Åndalsnes train station in Rauma.

Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / NRK

Will use mountains known for their base jumpers

There was a lot of activity before Tom Cruise and the film crew arrived in Norway. Eight toilets have been transported to Helsetkopen Mountain, where part of the recording will take place.

The mountain is popular with base jumpers.

– The pulpit will be peanut in proportion, Ole Ringdal told NRK last week. He has rented an area for helicopter traffic.

The film company will use 12 helicopters and has requested a flight ban from Romsdal to Bjorli from September 6 to 25.

The film crew has also rented a cabin, a hotel and Hurtigruten’s MS Vesterålen and MS Fridtjof Nansen boats from late August to late September, according to VG.

During filming, there will be a film crew of a total of 200 foreign and 200 Norwegian employees.

Tom Cruise recording

TIP: Hellesylt has a ramp installed, which will probably be used for stunts.

Photo: Alf-Jørgen Tyssing / NRK

Tom Cruise by helicopter

OBSERVED ON HELLESYLT: Several local NRKs have spoken, they think they have seen Tom Cruise in his helicopter where they will be filming Saturday morning.

Photo: Tipser

It is not the first time in Norway

This is not the first time that Cruise is in Norway to include scenes for a “Mission Impossible” movie.

In June 2017, it became clear that an action scene would be shot at Pulpit Rock, in connection with the sixth film in the series.

Towards the end of the movie, Tom Cruise climbs the steep wall of the mountain. Now you can try the same in the seventh movie, but now in Hellesylt and Åndalsnes in Møre og Romsdal.


LAST TIME: Tom Cruise hangs from the rock wall next to the pulpit. Perhaps we will see similar images of Møre og Romsdal?

Photo: Paramount Pictures
